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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×



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Intentionez sa cumpar un e46 care acum este de coloare neagra.

Dupa ce am decodat Seria de caroseriei apare ca si culoare asta :


Fac un apel la cei care au aceasta culoare sa puna o poza , eventual o poza macar informativa.


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De aici http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1768483


"According to Google, "Sonderlackierung" just means "special color" and could mean anything with regards to a BMW Individual."


Edit: Probabil e asta


490 Bluish Black Pearl


More: http://www.automotivetouchup.com/touch-up-paint/bmw/

Edited by oion
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490 Sonderlackierung - Special Paint



Poate sa fie si asa:




Pe scurt: culoarea de pe masina aia, acel negru e facut la comanda. Nu ai de unde sa stii ce nuanta a ales. Singura varianta ramane sa mergi sa o vezi.

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sonderlack ala e individual.

movul/roz ala de mai sus tot individual e, nu e numele culorii...


@op: e posibil sa fie o nuanta de negru care normal nu e in catalogul bmw.

vezi masina si te uiti daca mai are stickerele originale pe ea, daca a fost vopsita integral e putin probabil sa mai fie.

Edited by Briz
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movul/roz ala de mai sus tot individual e, nu e numele culorii...

Citeste cu atentie ce am scris.

Nu am zis ca ala e numele acelui mov.

Am zis ca poate fi pana si acel mov. De la negru la mov la portocaliu la verde la orice culoare a dorit proprietarul.


Nu o sa gaseasca nicaieri pe net o poza cu exact culoarea lui pt ca nu avem de unde sa stim ce nuante a ales proprietarul initial. Singura varianta, repet, ii ramane sa mearga sa o vada pe viu si sa decida daca ii place sau nu.

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Citeste cu atentie ce am scris.

Nu am zis ca ala e numele acelui mov.

Am zis ca poate fi pana si acel mov. De la negru la mov la portocaliu la verde la orice culoare a dorit proprietarul.


Nu o sa gaseasca nicaieri pe net o poza cu exact culoarea lui pt ca nu avem de unde sa stim ce nuante a ales proprietarul initial. Singura varianta, repet, ii ramane sa mearga sa o vada pe viu si sa decida daca ii place sau nu.

Va multumesc Baieti ,

Vineri am sa merg sa vad masina!

Daca o voi cumpara , ma voi " Lauda " cu ea la topicul dedicat !

Edited by KYL
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vineri plec sa o vad , daca imi place o cupmpar.

Ca dotari are cam atat :


Type code AS71

Type 320D (EUR)

E series E46 (4FL)

Series 3

Type LIM

Steering LL

Doors 4

Engine M47DO1

Displacement 2.00

Power 110

Drive HECK

Transmission AUT



Prod.date 2004-04-30






Description (interface)

Description (EPC)

S205A AUTOMATIC GETRIEBE Automatic transmission

S249A MULITFUNKTION FUER LENKRAD Multifunction f steering wheel

S255A SPORT-LEDERLENKRAD Sports leather steering wheel

S2CDA LM RAEDER STERNSPEICHE 136 BMW light alloy wheel, spider spoke 136

S321A EXTERIEURUMFAENGE IN WAGENFARBE Exterior parts in vehicle color

S403A GLASDACH, ELEKTRISCH Glass roof, electrical

S423A FUSSMATTEN IN VELOURS Floor mats, velours

S428A WARNDREIECK Warning triangle and first aid kit

S431A INNENSPIEGEL,AUTOMATISCH ABBLENDEND Interior mirror with automatic-dip

S441A RAUCHERPAKET Smoker package

S464A SKISACK Ski bag

S473A ARMAUFLAGE VORN Armrest front

S488A LORDOSENSTUETZE FAHRER/BEIFAHRER Lumbar support, driver and passenger

S494A SITZHEIZUNG FUER FAHRER/BEIFAHRER Seat heating driver/passenger

S495A 3. KOPFSTUETZE HINTEN 3-point belt and headrest, center rear


Description (interface)

Description (EPC)

S502A SCHEINWERFER-WASCHANLAGE Headlight cleaning system

S508A PARK DISTANCE CONTROL (PDC) Park Distance Control (PDC)


S521A REGENSENSOR Rain sensor

S522A XENON-LICHT Xenon Light

S534A KLIMAAUTOMATIK Automatic air conditioning

S550A BORDCOMPUTER On-board computer

S606A NAVIGATIONSSYSTEM BUSINESS Navigation system Business

S644A HANDY VORB. MIT BLUETOOTH-SCHNITTS. Preparation f mobile phone w Bluetooth

S672A CD WECHSLER 6-FACH CD changer for 6 CDs

S674A HIFI-SYSTEM HARMAN/KARDON Hi-Fi System Harman Kardon

S722A EDITION LIFESTYLE Lifestyle Edition

S785A WEISSE BLINKLEUCHTEN White direction indicator lights

P7RFA SPEZIAL ED. LIFESTYLE CARBON/ZIMT Special edition Lifestyle carbon/zimt



Description (interface)

Description (EPC)

S863A SERVICE KONTAKT-FLYER EUROPA Retailer Directory Europe

S879A DEUTSCH / BORDLITERATUR On-board vehicle literature German



S940A SONDERWUNSCH AUSSTATTUNG special equipment BMW Individual

P972A COMFORT PAKET Comfort Package






Description (interface)

Description (EPC)

S210A DYNAMISCHE STAB. CONTROL (DSC) Dynamic stability control

S548A KILOMETERTACHO Kilometer-calibrated speedometer

S832A BATTERIE IM KOFFERRAUM Battery in luggage compartment

S851A SPRACHVERSION DEUTSCH Language version German




---- Processing Individual

Sign "BMW individual"


---- Special Series

E46 Individual series for V1, KA186

Variant 2.


0490 Color

Paintwork "carbon black-metallic" (code 416)


Z1XX Upholstery

Leather in Nappa cinnamon (nb. 7 894 021),

extended as Q9 (M3: basic as N5).

Sewing thread (nb. 7 891 999) and quilting yarn (nb. 7 891 997)

in cinnamon, color code 1253 A.



Remainder of spec. as standard cloth/leather Scritto blackgrey,

Code V8TM.


0940 Sonderwunschausstattung

Following items are in leather Nappa cinnamon (nb. 7 894 021)


Velours floor mats anthracit with trim in

nappa cinnamon (nb. 7 894 021).


-gear lever gaiter (if automatic transmission: selector lever


-handbrake lever gaiter

sewing thread (nb. 7 891 997) and

quilting yarn (nb. 7 891 999) in cinnamon, color code 1253 A.



Fussmatten in Velours anthrazit wie Serie,

jedoch mit Einfassung in Leder Walknappa zimt (Nr. 7 894 021).



* Schalthebelbalg / bei Automatik: WĂĆählhebelabdeckung

* Handbremshebelbalg

NĂĆähfaden in zimt (Nr. 7 891 999), Farb-Nr. 1253 A

Steppzwirn in zimt (Nr. 7 891 997), Farb-Nr. 1253 A.


Wood trim "birch anthracite", Nb. 0690, content as option 438

(additional: handbrake grip),

with bracket of steering wheel. (not for US/CDN)


Door sills with writing "BMW Special Edition".




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