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Dintre cei care au MULF2 high, foloseste cineva stick mai mare de 16Gb?

Acum am un unul de 16Gb si merge, dar vreau mai mare. Ascult wav-uri si sunt cam mari, nu incap.

Am incercat un SSD de 180Gb, dar nu merge.

Deduc ca are o limitare. Dar care?

Capacitate sau tip de memorie?


Alte informatii n-am gasit nicaieri despre asta.

Edited by C_o_s_m_i_n
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System functions

The ULF-SBX-H can only assume audio player functions (optional extra 6FL).


Functions inside the vehicle

Connecting approved / recommended USB devices to the USB port in the vehicle


Connecting MP3 players on the USB port or the AUX-IN port


Display of the data medium structure of the USB device and operation of the player functions of the USB device


Playback of stored MP3 files of the USB device if there is no digital rights management of the music data


Basic settings

Connecting a USB device to the ULF-SBX-H

The first time a USB device is connected, the directory information with tracks, albums and artists is adopted into the ULF-SBX-H. Depending on the data volume, this data interchange can take a few minutes. In extreme cases with large storage media (80 gigabytes, etc.), a duration of up to 30 minutes can be expected. Only the track information is stored in the control unit, not the actual MP3 files. The next time the USB device is connected, the data stored in the ULF-SBX-H is displayed first. The data structure is then updated after a short time.

Up to 20,000 items of track information are stored in the control unit. If this number is exceeded, track information of the first USB device that was connected is overwritten. The next time this first USB device is connected, the track information must be scanned in once again. Depending on the memory capacity of the USB device, this scanning can once again take a longer period.

Only Latin letters are shown in the CID. Other lettering, e.g. Greek, cannot be recognised.

The USB device can be activated via the CID.


Notes for Service department

The following information is provided for servicing the ULF-SBX-H:


General information

Requirements for the recognition and playback of music files:


The MP3 device must be compatible with the control unit. ASAP contains product information with a list of recommended devices.


The USB device must have been formatted with the FAT file system. The MP3 files should preferably be stored on the USB devices using the Windows Explorer. Utility programs of USB device manufacturers can change the formatting of the file system.


Only certain formats, e.g. MP3 or WMA, can be played. Music files with DRM (Digital Rights Management) can only be displayed and played when an iPod is connected, as on an iPod the processing of rights takes place internally.


Special features of using the iPod

The Y-shaped adapter cable that can be ordered from BMW is recommended for the operation of iPod devices. If this cable is not used, the iPod can be used via the USB port as a so-called ”volume”. If the iPod is connected without the Y-shaped adapter cable, no directory structure in the form of albums, genre and tracks is available. The music files are displayed in incomprehensible form (e.g.: aghde.mp3). Music files are named automatically in the ”iTunes” management software offered by Apple. These names are displayed.

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Mersi Adi.


Nu scrie nimic despre capacitatea maxima (daca o exista una) sau tipul de memorie.

Restul criteriilor cerute, le-am indeplinit.

E clar ca SSD-ul nu merge pe Mulf. Pe afara am citit ca multi folosesc HDD-uri (clasice, cu platane) pe usb fara probleme, chiar si de 500Gb.

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Din ce zic ei merge cel putin de 80 gb, problema nu e de capacitate ci de alimentare. Din cate am vazut pe alte specificatii alimentarea pe USB tine maxim 1.5 Amperi, de aceea HDD-urile mari care au nevoie de mai mult curent e posibil sa nu porneasca. SSD-ul ar trebui sa mearga dar trebuie sa-l formatezi FAT si sa nu ceara mai mult de 1.5Amp.
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L-am formatat FAT32. Are un cablu Y pentru alimentare separata, prin urmare l-am alimentat si separat dintr-un alimentator de iPhone (de 3A). Nu e nici o diferenta.

Dar oricum il duce si MULF-ul. Am masurat si consumul: SSD-ul e undeva pe la 300mA, stick-ul ~50mA.

Cred ca nu recunoaste MBR-ul SSD-ului. Cred...

Ciudat ca pe Combox-ul unui prieten merge.

Edited by C_o_s_m_i_n
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Da, dar Combox-ul e cu totul alta mancare de peste..... Eu zic sa incerci cu un HDD de 80gb, eu folosesc unul in Audi pe o interfata AMI similara si merge perfect. Si, sincer, nu am avut niciodata mai mult de 20-30 gb de muzica pe hdd. :)


In BMW (pe Combox) folosesc un ipod touch de 64gb si pentru mine e suficient.

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Alta incercare:

- hdd extern pe usb, varianta clasica, cu platane... acelasi rezultat. Se aprinde LED-ul dar nici nu se invart platanele.

Alimentat la o sursa externa, consuma ~1A la pornire, 350mA dupa. Posibil ca MULF-ul sa nu duca nici 1A?


Am nevoie de capacitate mai mare pentru ca am doar wav-uri.

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