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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Indicatoare viteza si consum instantaneu "inerte"

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Salutare! M-a sunat azi un prieten sa-mi spuna ca nu-i mai merge vitezometrul si "litrometrul". In rest, tot bordul este functional. Masina in cauza - E46, 318i. Nu a fost umblat la masina, nu s-a mai intimplat pina acum. Coincidenta sau nu, fenomenul s-a manifestat dupa seria de ploi de zilele trecute. Asa ca, daca cineva s-a mai lovit de problema asta, sa-mi spuna si mie ca sa povestesc mai departe...

Multumesc pentru ajutor!


ps. pe bord nu e niciun bec aprins (daca se gindeste cineva la ASC/DSC)

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Tinand cont de urmatoarele:


Speed display -> Required signal: Position signal tw from ASC/DSC control unit

Fuel consumption (economy) display -> Required display: Injection information ti from engine control unit (CAN-bus)/ engine speed information from engine control (CAN-bus)/position signal tw from ASC/DSC control unit


The fuel consumption signal tKVA (fuel injection volume) is formed by the engine control unit and made available in a telegram on the CAN bus. The fuel consumption is indicated by linking with the distance signal, depending on the country-specific version, with the consumption per distance unit (e.g. l/100 km), the distance unit per unit of consumption (e.g. km/l) or miles per gallon (e.g. MPG). The indicator is rest to 0 if the vehicle is driven at a speed below a specified speed threshold (10 km/h with hysteresis). The fuel consumption signal tKVA is not only used for calculating the fuel consumption but also for controlling and therefore indicating the service interval display.


The instrument cluster receives the position signal tw from the antilock brake system (ABS)/automatic stability control (ASC)/dynamic stability control (DSC) control unit. In this way, the instrument cluster controls the driving speed, total distance recorder and trip recorder displays.


... i-a intrat apa in unitatea ABS/ASC din compartimentul motor. Sa verifice daca daca ornamentul de plastic/cauciuc de la baza parbrizului e crapat sau daca are urme de apa prelinsa pe langa cutia de siguranta/pompa de frana din compartimentul motor.



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Dupa o zi in care soarele a batut mai cu nadejde in masina, i-au venit mintile la cap. Adica si vitezometrul si litrometrul sint functionale din nou. Oricum, i-am facut si-o scanare rapida. In afara de erori de comunicatie pe IKE nu avea nimic.

Deci, contrar specialistilor, statul prelungit la soare poate face bine. :)

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