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Incalzire oglinda sofer E46


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Buna, am un E46 din 1998, 316i iar de mult am observat ca se incalzeste doar oglinda pasagerului. Din ce am observat, siguranta are doar oglinda de la pasager (siguranta nr. 25), cea de la sofer cand se incalzeste? Am auzit o varianta cum ca s-ar incalzi cand afara este sub 2 grade, sau cand pornesti incalzirea lunetei. Edited by Nicoara Alex
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cred ca la tine e arsa siguranta 25


cele care nu se incalzesc ori au contactele oxidate (cel mai frecvent) ori au alte probleme de contactica (fire intrerupte, sigurante arse, etc.) trebuie evaluate punctual.

Siguranta nu as crede, deoarece cea de la 25 scrie ca e Heated outside mirror, passenger (ma gandesc ca e doar de la pasager), o sa incerc sa dau jos oglinda de la sofer sa curat contactele, dar prima oara ma voi uita la siguranta.

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De retinut pentru cazul general E46:


The mirrors are heated regardless of outside ambient temperature. The heating element resistance produces a mirror temperature of approximately 60oC.


Pentru vehiculele echipate cu oglinzi/scaune cu memorie, se intampla urmatorul fenomen:


Mirror heating without wiper operation:


Below 41° F: 100% (continuous heating)

Above 41° F: 0% (no heating)


Mirror heating with wiper operation:


Below 41° F: 100% (continuous heating)

From 41° F to 50° F: 75%

From 50° F to 59° F: 50%

From 59° F to 68° F: 25%

Above 68° F: 0% (no heating)

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