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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

totul despre Seria 5 F10, 2010 - 2017

Scorpio 82

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Salut ! am si eu parte de aceleasi simptome inca de cand am luat masina. am schimbat si uleiul si filtrele in cutie la service faur (reprezentanta zf producatorul cutiei) si s-a schimbat foarte putin... dar daca 3-4 persoane numai in acest topic spun ca au aceleasi simptome..banuiesc ca este normal..am fost si eu foarte stresat la inceput dar mi-a trecut.


eu am scapat de "problema" asta de curand. am schimbat: suporti motor (2), tampon cutie (1), flansa cardan (cea dinainte de diferential), bucsi diferential (3)...toate OE. si nu mai face deloc niciodata (deocamdata). asadar nu "asa fac toate"

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Knocking noise can be heard and felt to be coming from the front lower left passenger compartment PuMA No. V1-R2-RO 50010140-02 - 13/10/16



A knocking, pulsating noise in the passenger compartment can be intermittently heard and sometimes even

felt as coming from the steering wheel and in the footwell.


In the event of a customer complaint, it is essential to ensure that the noise is coming from the heater circuit.

To do this, adjust the temperature regulator in steps and then wait several seconds until the water valve

begins the regulation process. If the noise that the customer is complaining about is then reproducible, the

water valve is to be replaced by a water valve that has been specially modified for this purpose as follows:


1. Drain the coolant completely.


2. Remove the water valve.

See Repair Instructions: 64 11 273 "Replace the water valve for heater"


3. Fit the new modified water valve.


4. Refill the cooling system and bleed thoroughly.


Thorough bleeding is important, because this prevents air pockets from forming in the cooling system which

could negatively affect the water valve, weakening their effectiveness in some cases.


See Repair Instructions: 17 00 039 "Bleeding and filling the cooling system using a vacuum filling device"



Modified water valve: part number 64 11 4 271 156


Note: The part number is not stored in the electronic parts catalogue, but can be ordered using the system.








Instrument panel: rattling/clattering noise coming from the centre area (fresh air nozzle/radio operating unit) PuMA No. V1-R2-RO 32911917-01 - 14/07/10



When driving over a poor road surface, a rattling noise can be heard coming from the centre area of the instrument panel.


In the event of a customer complaint, proceed as follows:

1. Remove the radio and air conditioning control panel, and the CIC.

2. Wrap the entire temperature sensor cable (fig. 1 - red arrow) with fabric tape and fasten it to the heater housing with adhesive tape if necessary.

3. Refit the parts that have been removed.


See Repair Instructions:

65 83 020 "Remove and refit/replace the Car Infotainment Computer (CIC)"

61 31 321 "Remove and refit/replace the radio and air conditioning control panel"



Ultima parte cu sunetul pe drum mai prost este valabil si la un E60? Rar se aude..dar si cand se aude e enervant.

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Rattling from around the centre console PuMA No. V1-R2-RO 20105819-01 - 24/11/08



The rattling occurs in the centre console area when the engine is cold, drive is selected and the brake is depressed.

The noise may not be heard if the brake is released and N is selected.

Check for damage to the rubber coating on the vibration damper at the emergency release cable.

If damage is present, the emergency release mechanism must be replaced with part number:24 50 7 589 212 and

the decoupled bracket on the transmission must be fitted with part number:24 14 7 588 888 (if not already present).

A cable without a damper may only be fitted to the transmission in conjunction with a decoupled bracket.

If a decoupled bracket has not been fitted to the transmission, you should fit one with part number 2414

7 588 888.





Grating noise from the windscreen / dome strut loose PuMA No. V1-R2-RO 5130948-01 - 05/08/08



Constant grating noise from the bottom of the windscreen or engine compartment when the vehicle is

driven over poor surfaces, through corners or over humps.

Loose dome strut causes rattling/grating noises in the engine compartment.


The connection with the old parts status (BMW part number 51 71 7 063 831 AI

04) "thread-tapping screws with paraffin coating" (see enclosure 1)) has proven not to be


Service measure:

1.) Replace the four screws with the old parts status (AI 04) and paraffin coating (see

enclosure 1) with four screws with the new parts status (AI 05) "M8x23 Torx screw" with BMW part

number 51 71 7 063 831 (see enclosure 2).


2.) Retighten the four new screws to an increased torque of 27 Nm.





Masina ta are 2 campanii de service deschise, vezi foto.



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Neo mersi mult de tot, imi fac timp sapt asta pana duminica sa fac si update la cic si sa trag o fuga pana la craiova la reprezentanta! MERSI!!!!]





Cat despre asta


rating noise from the windscreen / dome strut loose PuMA No. V1-R2-RO 5130948-01 - 05/08/08



Constant grating noise from the bottom of the windscreen or engine compartment when the vehicle is

driven over poor surfaces, through corners or over humps.

Loose dome strut causes rattling/grating noises in the engine compartment.


The connection with the old parts status (BMW part number 51 71 7 063 831 AI

04) "thread-tapping screws with paraffin coating" (see enclosure 1)) has proven not to be


Service measure:

1.) Replace the four screws with the old parts status (AI 04) and paraffin coating (see

enclosure 1) with four screws with the new parts status (AI 05) "M8x23 Torx screw" with BMW part

number 51 71 7 063 831 (see enclosure 2).


2.) Retighten the four new screws to an increased torque of 27 Nm.


Nu stiu ce zgomot ar fi...am niste greierasi exact cum se descriu acolo pe curbe, denivelari si drum prost...dar nu-mi dau seama daca vine de sub parbriz

Edited by WIN60
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...la mine se aude un zgomot in usa de la sofer. Pare ca vine din partea de jos, undeva spre spate. Se aude ca si cum ar fi ceva liber p-acolo, mai gros si metalic...ca un surub...Si se aude doar la denivelari. Cred ca trebuie sa mutumim drumurilor impecabile (si RFT-urilor:) ).

Sunt curios daca cu cele de iarna o sa mai faca asa...

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eu am desfacut la usa din dreapta si intr adevar e ca in schema (la passenger door) pt ca am scos soclu (sau cum sa i zic) si am vazut ce culori sunt. Problema este ca acele fire pleaca din usa undeva sub bord, eu as fi vrut sa ma leg la firele care sunt fix in pragul usii. Probabil nu se poate ce vreau eu. Desi firele corespunzatoare usilor din spate ma gandesc ca tot pe acolo trec. Poate ma ajuti cu schema pentru usa dreapta spate. Scuze de insistenta :( Edited by Gaby44GBS
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Hai ca am rezolvat..erau aceeasi culoare pt toate usile. Problema a fost ca sunt 2-3 fire maro/rosu, in care maro ul are grosimi diferite ce i drept :))

merci inca odata


Mi am luat niste ornamente de prag luminate, asta incercam sa fac.



Poti face o poza sa le vedem si noi, sunt curios cum i sta!


Eventual seara.

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Buna tuturor!


O mica problema am si eu, problema care a aparut acum seara si am zis ca pana luni pana cand reusesc sa merg la un service, va intreb si pe voi de unde ar putea proveni... Din nu stiu ce cauze, pe partea dreapta se aude un scartait in mers, indeosebi cand sunt in zone cu asfaltul mai denivelat. Am incercat sa fac balans pe loc la autoturism in partea dreapta fata, si sunetul dupa cum mi-am dat seama provine din zona telescopului iar eu m-am gandit ca o fi flansa de la amortizor stricata sau chiar amortizorul. Voi ce ziceti ? :)



Azi in sfarsit am avut programare pentru diagnosticarea problemei, si surpriza, dupa ce de 4-5 zile nu am mai circulat cu masina asta, cand am ajuns la service, zgomotul era total inexistent, deci cauta problema care nu mai exista ... mecanicul zicea ca din cauza ca a plouat s-a intamplat asta,deoarece s-au "lubrifiat" unele piese de la umezeala, si sa revin cand reapare zgomotul :)

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Pai era mul mai simplu sa le legi direct in FRM pe pin-ul 31, accesul la FRM este mult mai usor decat la firele din conectorul portierei.

Nu stiu exact ce inseamna FRM dar eu am legat la firele care trec prin prag, mai aproape de atat nu cred ca era altceva.


Poti face o poza sa le vedem si noi, sunt curios cum i sta!


Eventual seara.



scuze pt low quality

Edited by Gaby44GBS
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