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Probleme Incalzire E46 Automat


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Salut colegi,

Nu de mult am achizitionat un E 46 320D din 2004 150 cai automat.

Odata cu inceperea sezonului rece am observat ca apa se ridica greu la 90 de grade, iar in frana de motor sau cand stau pe loc si merge ventilatia pe o treapta mai mare apa scade pana la prima linie, adica la sfert si nu la jumatate, fapt care la vechiul bmw 320 d manual nu se intampla(adica urca mult mai repede pe 90 grade si de acolo nu mai cobora orice faceai!!!!

Am fost la test, iar ventilatorul e blocat, lucru care nu are nimic cu incalzirea ci cu racirea....Tot acum am schimbat si termostatul la egr care era rupt dar simptomele nu s-au schimbat.

Tipul de la service a spus ca e diferenta intre cea manuala si cea automata deparece cea automata are vascocupla si astfel are racirea mai buna.

Nu tind sa cred asa ceva mai ales avand in vedere cealalta masina care se incalzea repede si nu oscila deloc temperatura ape.

As aprecia mult ajutorul dvs

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Am si eu aceasi problema la clima,in ziua in care am schimbat pompa de apa si termostatul..mi-a verificat baiatul caldura si totul a fost ok pana cand am plecat de la service si pe drum caldura s-a oprit si baga doar rece. Aseara am vrut sa plec cu masina si n-am putut ca mi se aburesc geamurile. Baga doar aer rece..i-am facut aerisirea,degeaba.ce poate fi?
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salut, ieri am schimbat si termostatul principal si aceeasi problema o am!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ce dumnezeu mai e de facut ca eu nu mai inteleg nimic.



Ai schimbat si termostatul EGR, ai facut aerisirea cum trebuie, si vezi ca la cele automate mai exista un termostat http://www.realoem.c...141&hg=17&fg=05 piesa 4.

Edited by Butzy
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salut, ieri am schimbat si termostatul principal si aceeasi problema o am!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ce dumnezeu mai e de facut ca eu nu mai inteleg nimic.

Salut!Dar caldura ai in masina,daca ai caldura,posibil sa fie dus senzorul(bulbul la apa) si da eronat temperatura in bord.Incearca o diagnoza.Bafta!

Edited by botosanibmw
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Urmeaza pasii de aici ti-am dat pentru toate functiile.




Instructions to access the hidden OBC functions:

1. Hold Trip Reset while turning ignition key to on position

2. OBC should show "Test"

3. Use Trip Reset to select function 19.0 that unlocks all the features

3. Wait for display to show "Off"

4. Depress Trip Reset for 1/4 second and release it

5. With no delay press Trip Reset several times to select one of the followingfunction s


BMW E46 On-Board Computer (OBC) Hidden Codes

nr example description

1 Car Engine and cluster data

1.0 46nnn Chassis nr/VIN serial number (last 5 digits)

1.1 4nnn K-number

1.2 690236 Cluster Part #

1.3 045210 Coding (04)/diagnosis (52)/bus index (10)

1.4 1200 Week (12)/year of manufacture (2000)

1.5 09_160 Hardware (09) and software # (16.0) of cluster

1.6 Not used

1.7 04__44 CAN-version (04) KI-revision index (44)

2 (test) Cluster System Test - Activates the gauge drivers,

indicators and LEDs to confirm function

3 SI Data

3.0 1098 Used fuel in liters since last SI (Service Inspection)

3.1 0231 Periodic inspection days; elapsed days (since last SI)

4 Momentary Consumption

4.0 0145+ Instant fuel consumption - 0145=14.5 liters/100km

4.1 0018 Instant fuel consumption - 0018=1.8 l/Hour

5 Distance Gone Consumption

5.0 082 Average mileage; 082=8.2 liters/100km

5.1 0536 Calc. km to refuel (momentary distance to go)

6 Fuel Level sensor inputs in liters

6.0 109330+ Fuel level averaged; Left half sensor input=10.9 liters; Rightsensor input=33.0 liters

6.1 0439+ Total tank level averaged; vlgs 6.0: 10.9+33.0=43.9 liters

6.2 0442+ Indicated value (44.2) and tank phase

7 Temperature and Speed

7.0 021+ Coolant/Engine temperature (2.1C)

7.1 130 Ambient/Outside temperature - chg met 5 pts. 125/130/135

7.2 + Engine speed / Current RPMs 1/min

7.3 + Vehicle speed / Current Speed in km/hour

8 Input value in HEX form

8.0 1d0+ System voltage ADC-Value Hex code

8.1 26C33C+ ADC Values HG left/HG right

8.2 0000 ADC Value brake degradation sensor (000=o.k.)

8.3 18C ADC Value outside temperature

9 Battery

9.0 140 Battery Voltage - 140 = UB 14.0v

9.1 242013+?

9.2 074_78+?

9.3 0011+?

10 Not used; 11 Not used; 12 Not used

13 GonG Gong Test

14 Not used

15 Status cluster I/O-ports (bit codes) 0=low; 1=high

1st-belt contact, seat belt fastened=0; 2) ignition lock contact, keyinserted=0; 3) door contact, door open=0; 4) clock button pressed=0; 5) SIreset=0, for reset=0; 6) EGS transmission failure=0

Status Digital Outputs (bits) 0=inactive, 1=active

1) Gong output; 2) Brake warning lamp; 3) Low fuel warning lamp; 4) EGA lamp;5) seat belt lamp; 6) manipulation dot

16 Not used; 17 Not used; 18 Not used

19 Lock Status; unlocks functions in range 3-18

19.0 L-On/L-Off Unlock: press button when "L-Off"

20 Not used

21 Software Reset; reset OBC settings

00 End of test




Uite si un video




Edited by Butzy
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