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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

CUM SCHIBI GRADE Fahrenheit SI Celsius.


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10. The two knobs on the center control panel are to reset the short trip mileage and the other one is for changing the time on the clock and changing the time from army time (24 hour time) to normal time. And you could also switch the temperature display both on the dash and on the climate control between Fahrenheit and Celsius.


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e39 fabricat in (11.95  -  06.03 )



reformulez pt un e39 vreau si eu sa stiu cum faci ca sa treci dupa grade celsius in fharanheit si invers pt ca desteptul meu tovaras in incercarea de a reseta oil service-u a reusit sa schimbe treaba asta ...:blink:)

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eu doar am gasit topicul... :blink:


sfatuitorul merita multumiri! :)


edit: am mutat topicul la SERIA 5, unde ii este locul (nu la seria 3 :) )




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