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BMWhat / Carly - diagnoza, testare, verificare, stergere erori, soft-codding

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Si partea hardware trebuie schimbata, odata cu cea software. Partea hardware de comunicare difera de la o masina din 2000 fata de una din 2015.


Confirm! Cu interfata originala, prima generatie, teoretic se putea face DPF regen request. Dupa ceva incercari nereusite la N47, i-am contactat si informat pe cei de la Carly care mi-au confirmat ca exista o problema de comunicare:


Thank you for your e-Mail.


We did have big trouble with the N47 engines. I think you have one of this engines in your E87 (build year from mid/end 2007 on). We really hard worked on DPF with this engines, the problem is, that we didn’t get a valid response from the regeneration cycle with our bluetooth adapter. We can handle the communication between our app and the car, also the communication to the engine ECU, which is also responsible for regeneration process. The problem is, that the message of the regeneration process need a more complex way to communicate (nearly the same way, the F-Series will need), and with our normal bluetooth adapter it is not possible to get a valid answer of the regeneration process. So we can send to the ECU the regeneration message but cannot see if it was successfully accepted from the ECU or not.

", iar asta e mail din 21/08/2015. Au promis ca pana la finele anului or sa rezolve problema si au facut-o. Jos palaria pentru ei! vor sa se extinda vad si pentru grupul VAG. Au in portofoliu acum aplicatie pt. MB si BMW.

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Salutare ! Vreau sa cumpar si eu o interfata de diagnoza pentru bmw 520d E60 model Euro 5,ma intereseaza in principiu citire coduri eroare,stergeri coduri eroare,codari pe diferite module,lucruri de baza...de ex cand am avut Golf 5 mi-am luat un vag com care il am si acum dupa 3 ani in care functioneaza foarte bine (nu mi-a facut nicio problema),toti senzorii si toate problemele mi le-am rezovlat singur,la fel codari si etc..M-ar interesa tot un tester asa ok pana in 250 lei (pe vag com am dat 120 lei).Din ce am vazut pe net sunt destule variante si habar nu am...chiar nu ma pricep la testerele de bmw,care ar fi unul mai bun si mai usor pentru "amatori" sa spun asa pana in 250 lei?


Astept niste pareri, multumesc!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Pentru cine este interest am urmatoarele aplicatii in variant Full pentru diagnoza si codare (Android):


Torque Pro v1.8.56


BmWhat v15.88


Nu stiu daca este permis sa postez si linku de download, dar pentru cine este interest poate sa il ceara prin PM.

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Nu numai ca poti vedea erorile, dar le poti si sterge! ..inclusiv eroarea initiala de filtru DPF... Asta neinsemnand ca filtru este ok... ci face o resetare a modulului de control al filtrului.

dar, nu poti sterge pe cea de bujii (la diesel).. pentru ca e permanenta, pana rezolvi problema.


Edited by bimmer90f30
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Pentru cine este interest am urmatoarele aplicatii in variant Full pentru diagnoza si codare (Android):


Torque Pro v1.8.56


BmWhat v15.88


Nu stiu daca este permis sa postez si linku de download, dar pentru

cine este interest poate sa il ceara prin PM.


19.48 ii ultima versiune pe android la carly ! Care poti face multe. Versiunea care o ai tu full pt e90 nu suporta ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Am activat cu carly video motion , filmele format dvd --ro merge vad . Ce format sa iau videoclipurile (video clip muzica) sa mearga mp4 nu merge , sa incerc avi sau?

Ai platit 15 euro pentru motion ??

Ca sa activezi idrive coding!




Edited by ciprian8888
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iViNi Carly for BMW 20.00 in a virtual machine (pe laptop) si merge un un cablu k+dcan




Inainte de toatte aveti nevoie de virtual box DOWNLOAD Dupa care urmati pasii de mai jos:


1.Download the Carly for BMW - DISK.vdi (disk image)

2.In VirtualBox - create a new VM with the following parameters:

Name: You name it smile1, Type: Linux, Version: Other Linux (32-bit)

3.Click Next and choose Memory size: 1024MB

4.Click Next choose "Use an existing virtual hard drive file" - here you point to the Carly for BMW - DISK.vdi, that you've downloaded.

5.Click Create and right mouse click on the newly created virtual machine - Settings

6.Run the machine and while its running go to menu Machine > Disable Mouse Integration or simply press Right CTRL + i to enable/disable mouse integration.

7.Next step - plug the K+Dcan cable, start the virtual machine and transfer it to it - from the menu - Devices>USB choose your cable (usually something that has 600 in the name, but probably you'll know which one is it...)

8.In the virtual machine it will ask you - whether you want to start Carly for BMW - do as you want smile1

9.If you have any problems booting the VM - go to Settings=>Storage, choose the storage controller and remove it (the last icon in the lower right corner with the red minus), then add a new controller (with the only active icon - the one with the green plus) and choose - IDE Controller, and finally add the vdi disk as - the icon with a hdd on it => choose existing and the downloaded vdi file.

10.If you want to keep using it after a new version is out - make sure that you disable the Network adapter - go to Settings=>Network=> uncheck Enable Network Adapter

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Ca idee bate cu ce am pe bord, adica masina nu e manarita sau a fost manarita ca la carte, ceea ce nu cred. :)

La final mi-am verificat statusul la regen, e 0 adica ok si nivelul de ulei, pentru ca am schimbat cu putin timp in urma si se pare ca mai trebuie completat cu putin. Toate astea in mai putin de 2 minute, in parcarea de la munca, avand in dotare doar telefonul, indispensabil tuturor.

Edited by 23LKY
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Am rulat si eu "used car check", nu da prea multe informatii - VIN din modul chei, motor si modul lumini + KM din ECU si KM la ultima eroare din modulul lumini.

Pt o verificare basic poate fi o varianta.

Sper sa mai adauge info in timp.


Eu am prima varianta de modul + cea mai nou versiune de aplicatie (ambele cumparate de la ei).

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