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BMWhat / Carly - diagnoza, testare, verificare, stergere erori, soft-codding

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ai versiunea pro acum, nu? poti activa digital speed in computerul de bord, sau trebuie sa platesti 3 euro in plus?


Nu am incercat . O sa incerc maine sa vad daca merg codarile . Oricum optiunea asta o am activata demult cu o versiune crack-ata de Carly . Si merge codata si cu NCS .

Normal nu ar trebui platit pt o codare .

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Salutare! Colegi am instalat si eu Carly pe tableta samsung galaxy tab 2, am un cablu obd , am un adator la tableta pt usb si am reusit sa fac conexiunea, problema este ca majoritatea functiilor nu merg deoarece imi tot zice ca trebuie activare...Ideea este ca a fost Wi fi on pornit tot timpul, trebuie sa o reinstalez si sa stau cu wifi oprit? sa instalez alta versiune? ce sa fac? Vroiam sa vad de niste codari si niste parametrii la injectoare.
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nu mai e versiune de carly care sa poata fi activata, au gasit un mod de a-si proteja aplicatia. ultima versiune care putea fi activata era 21.16, aia daca se folosea pe un dispozitiv fara conexiune la internet mergea mult si bine, dar cine a stiut... poate apare vreo versiune mai noua crackuita, cine stie. mai e o varianta sa gasesti vreo imagine sau vreun virtual machine cu carly gata instalat, si sa nu folosesti internetul, dar .... Edited by aranza
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Carly for BMW pro v21.25 full ORIGINAL NOT CRACKED





si ca sa mearga crakuit urmatorii pasi:


Step 01: Download Lucky patcher


Step 02 : Enable the installation from unknown sources by going to settings > security and tap on Unknown sources check-box.


Step 03 : Now navigate to folder where you have placed/downloaded the luckypatcher.apk file and install it.


Step 04 : Now open lucky patcher app and tap on the app whose in-app purchases you want to hack.


Step 05 : Now select the option “Open Menu of Patches” and then select “Create modified apk”.


Step 06 : Now in next window select “Apk rebuilded for inApp and LVL emulation”


Step 07 : Now in next window select “Support patch for LVL emulation” and “Support patch for inApp emulation”.


Step 08 : Now after selecting these two options, just tap on “Rebuild The App” button at the bottom and it will now start creating the patched app.


Step 09 : Once it get finished, tap on ok and exit the app. Now uninstall the app which you selected in lucky patcher for hacking in-app purchases.


Step 10 : Now open the file manager app and navigate to the Android > data > com.android.vending.billing.InAppBillingService.LUCK > Files > LuckyPatcher > Modified > here you will get two folders one will be of the same name of your app and the other one will be named as Keys.


Step 11 : Open the folder which have the name of your app- After opening the folder, you will get the modified apk file of your app there.


Step 12 : Now just install this apk file and open it. Now navigate to the store or etc and you will notice that all purchases are changed to 0$.


Step 13 : Purchase anything and now it will open the dialogue box, just select “Save purchase for restore” and tap on the Yes button to purchase the thing.


Step 14 : Voila! the thing is now purchased. Enjoy

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