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Vand diverse pentru E46

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Salut , din cauza unui mecanic nemaipomenit am ramas un modul de confort pentru E46 cu 4 geamuri electrice si trapa + o yala usa sofer partea stanga de FL. Doresc sa le vand cu 200 ron amandoua sau 100 ron fiecare. Piesele sunt functionale se poate face si proba la ele. Telefon 0724517145.


modul confort 4 geamuri + trapa 100 ron

yala fata stanga FL 100 ron

grup 318i 150 ron

cutie viteze 5+1 318i 150 ron

2 buc sonde lambda 318i 150 ron

4 buc anvelope vara vredestein sport trac 3 V-uri rulate maxim 3000 km 175.65.R15 400 ron

radio casetofon oem 100 ron

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Cateva repere de vanzare pentru E46 318i nFL.

modul confort 4 geamuri + trapa 100 ron

yala fata stanga FL 100 ron

grup 318i 150 ron

cutie viteze 5+1 318i 150 ron

2 buc sonde lambda 318i 150 ron

4 buc anvelope vara vredestein sport trac 3 V-uri rulate maxim 3000 km 175.65.R15 400 ron

radio casetofon oem 100 ron

Telefon 0724517145

Rog un moderator sa imi schimbe titlul in : Vand diverse pentru E46 . Multumesc.

Edited by B320TNY
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modul confort 4 geamuri + trapa 100 ron

yala fata stanga FL 100 ron

grup 318i 150 ron VANDUT

cutie viteze 5+1 318i 150 ron

2 buc sonde lambda 318i 150 ron

4 buc anvelope vara vredestein sport trac 3 V-uri rulate maxim 3000 km 175.65.R15 400 ron

radio casetofon oem 100 ron

Edited by B320TNY
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modul confort 4 geamuri + trapa 100 ron

yala fata stanga FL 100 ron

cutie viteze 5+1 318i 150 ron

2 buc sonde lambda 318i 150 ron

4 buc anvelope vara vredestein sport trac 3 V-uri rulate maxim 3000 km 175.65.R15 400 ron

radio casetofon oem cu functie mode 100 ron

Edited by B320TNY
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Vand urmatoarele :

modul confort 4 geamuri + trapa 100 ron

cutie viteze 5+1 318i 100 ron

2 buc sonde lambda 318i 150 ron

4 buc anvelope vara vredestein sport trac 3 V-uri rulate maxim 3000 km 175.65.R15 400 ron

radio casetofon OEM cu functie mode 100 ron


Telefon 0748234462

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Vand urmatoarele :

modul confort 4 geamuri + trapa 100 RON

cutie viteze 5+1 318i 100 RON

4 buc anvelope vara vredestein sport trac 3 V-uri rulate maxim 3000 km 175.65.R15 100 RON bucata

4 buc anvelope de vara Continental 235.45.R17 100 RON bucata


Telefon 0748234462

Edited by B320TNY
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Vand urmatoarele :

cutie viteze 5+1 E46 318i 100 RON

4 buc anvelope vara vredestein sport trac 3 V-uri rulate maxim 3000 km 175/65/R15 100 RON bucata

Potentiometru clapeta de acceleratie E46 318i an 2000 118 hp 50 RON


Telefon 0748234462





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Vand urmatoarele :


cutie viteze 5+1 E46 318i 100 RON

4 buc anvelope vara vredestein sport trac 3 V-uri rulate maxim 3000 km 175/65/R15 100 RON bucata

Potentiometru / senzor clapeta de acceleratie E46 318i an 2000 118 hp 50 RON


Telefon 0748234462





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Potentiometru / senzor clapeta de acceleratie E46 318i an 2000 118 hp 50 RON

Cutie viteze 5+1 E46 318i an 2000 118 hp 200 RON

Debitmetru E46 318i an 2000 118 hp ( nu stiu daca este defect ) 150 RON

Telefon 0724517145

Edited by B320TNY
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