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Vand BMW 318


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Vand Bmw 318is Class II


- Inmatriculat RO

- Taxa platita si nerecuperata (ofer adeverinta ANAF)

- Ofer certificat fiscal

- Fabricatie 09.05.1994

- Trapa electrica in 2 pozitii

- Geamuri electrice fata

- Oglinzi M oem electrice incalzite

- 2xAirbag ,ABS

- Inchidere centralizata din telecomanda

- Proiectoare

- Faruri cu lupa ,xenon faza scurta/lunga si angel eyes

- Semnale albe

- Bara fata / / / M oem

- Bara spate / / / M oem

- Praguri / / / M oem

- Toba stock oem

- Stopuri clare alb cu rosu

- Suspensie sport reglabila Ta-Technix

- Disc de ambreiaj cu pucuri ceramice si volanta masa simpla usurata

- Soft motor 7000rpm+

- Jante tabla 15" (poza cu jantele pe 17" este informativa)

- Volan M tech imbracat in piele

- Nuca schimbator piele oem cumparata noua de 1 an

- Interior recaro textil hurricane

- Fete de usi piele

- Plafon negru

- Covorase textile

- Cotiera piele

- Dublu climatronic manual

- Obc mic

- ITP valabil 05.2015

- Interior curat si intretinut

- Motor si cutia ruleaza impecabil

- Caroserie fara rugina


Piese schimbate in ultimii 3000 km:

- discuri fata + placute

- flanse amortizoare spate

- flansa cardan + rulment cardan Lemforder

- grup open 3,38 de pe un e36 de uk cu 95.000 mile

- tampoane cutie lemforder


Pret: 1750 EURO neg


Tel: 0766.366.903

ymail: razvansecu@yahoo.com


















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-masina a primit M50B25 (vanos ) in stare perfecta de functionare fara pic de scurgeri

-volanta masa simpla usurata + kit ambreiaj


-ulei liqui moly 10w-40 + filtre mann

-rulment cardan + flansa cardan noi ,lemforder



Pret: 2150 EURO neg la fata locului.




Rog un moderator sa modifice titlul topicului : Vand e36 325i M-Technic


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VIN: FK04202

Pe scurt :

2500+ made in 1994 to homologate 4 door sedan with 16 valve inline 4 to FIA Class II / Supertouring rules. BMW had raced with 318is Coupe until that but 2 door bodies were outlawed for 1994 season and BMW did not have 16 valve inline 4 sedan available so they had to make a homologaton special


Lipsesc urmatoarele dotari din pachet

-spliterele gt (nu putea circula cu ele din cauza gardei joase)

-eleron ltw (element oem greu de gasit si cu un pret pe masura a fost vandut de fostul proprietar)

Edited by WhySoSerious
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