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E91 318dA 2011


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Andrei, pretul ala e pe set? As vrea sa cumpar si eu un set pentru prietena mea, ne combinam la transport? :)

Tot pentru e90 LCI cu far bi-xenon? Da, pretul e pe set. Mai ieftine sunt pe ebay.com in China dar dureaza prea mult pana vin si trebuie sa ma duc la posta centrala din oras unde au program doar 2 zile pe saptamana , ceea ce ma enerveaza foarte tare si in plus se formeaza coada de fiecare data din cauza asta. Asa prefer sa cumpar de pe ebay din Germania sau din UK ca sa evit "vama". Ledurile astea din UK mi le-au adus chiar acasa, fiind cu posta rapida a lor Royal Mail.

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Da.. :goodjob: astea imi plac si mai mult parca..

Am 2 bookmark-uri pana acum :thumbsup:

Am mai gasit aici http://www.ebay.de/itm/ORIGINAL-BMW-3-16-Zoll-Alufelgen-Streamline-306-6795805-6795806-/321010612862?pt=Auto_Felgen&fits=Make%3ABMW%7CPlatform%3AE90&hash=item4abdb93a7e.

Par reconditionate/revopsite ca prea arata asa bine :)

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O surpriza azi :(

Protectie canci.



Azi am primit gratis de la Racechip un cablu pentru E60. Difera cel de la E91 de la pedala ( e vorba de modulul Racechip Response Control).



Astept sa-l testez azi sa vedem cum se comporta si E60 cu modulul.

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Nu pot trece cu vederea acest mesaj primit de la Ebay.de. Avand o problema cu plata unui produs , pe langa explicatii la sfarsit ma minunez ce primesc :)


"By the way, I am glad that you are from Romania. I actually visited your country last year and went to Sighisoara and Peles Castle. Our family also enjoyed your food and had our dinner in one of your famous restaurants! ! I can truly say that your country is fascinating and is one of the most visited destinations by foreign tourists, because of the rich culture, beautiful tourist cities and friendly people who are helpful, kind and always give tourists a warm welcome. I just can imagine how blessed you are with this abundance of attractions and activities, no wonder visitors flock here from around the world ! I am really excited to visit your country again and this time, It will be for a longer vacation.


All the best to you! Have a lovely day, and a great upcoming week as well!


Best Regards,


Kimberly M.

eBay Customer Service "

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Mai frumoase sunt astea, jantele astea le am eu pe masina

Edited by danwmb
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Nu pot trece cu vederea acest mesaj primit de la Ebay.de. Avand o problema cu plata unui produs , pe langa explicatii la sfarsit ma minunez ce primesc :)


"By the way, I am glad that you are from Romania. I actually visited your country last year and went to Sighisoara and Peles Castle. Our family also enjoyed your food and had our dinner in one of your famous restaurants! ! I can truly say that your country is fascinating and is one of the most visited destinations by foreign tourists, because of the rich culture, beautiful tourist cities and friendly people who are helpful, kind and always give tourists a warm welcome. I just can imagine how blessed you are with this abundance of attractions and activities, no wonder visitors flock here from around the world ! I am really excited to visit your country again and this time, It will be for a longer vacation.


All the best to you! Have a lovely day, and a great upcoming week as well!


Best Regards,


Kimberly M.

eBay Customer Service "



Asta era un exemplar mai open minded, a avut curajul sa vina in ciuda tuturor prejudecatilor,nu toti gandesc asa......e foarte bine ca exista si perceptii pozitive legate de romani si Romania, turismul ar putea reprezenta o sursa de venit.

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