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Shadow line bmw e60


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Am set negru lucios (high gloss shadow line = glanzschwarz), in cea mai buna stare, la 900 lei set complet.

Poze reale:



http://s12.postimg.org/vb783wcll/37928369_1_644x461_trimuri_high_gloss_shadowline.jpg http://s12.postimg.org/lpdnnllft/37928369_2_644x461_trimuri_high_gloss_shadowline.jpg http://s12.postimg.org/mhgbmspmx/37928369_3_644x461_trimuri_high_gloss_shadowline.jpg http://s12.postimg.org/7mrq8mg21/37928369_4_644x461_trimuri_high_gloss_shadowline.jpg


Ai mesaj privat.


Optional, am si oglinzile, tot high gloss shadowline, pentru LCI, cu sticle electrocrome, si functie de rabatare electrica, si iluminare LED dedesubt, complete, la 1200 lei ambele.

Capacele oglinzilor nu mai sunt albastre, le-am revopsit dupa culoarea mea, Space Grey Metallic.



http://s27.postimg.org/fcl9wmv8v/36912019_1_644x461_oglinzi_ectrocrome_rabatabile.jpg http://s27.postimg.org/f13tjvesv/36912019_2_644x461_oglinzi_ectrocrome_rabatabile.jpg http://s27.postimg.org/a3q8yrctr/36912019_3_644x461_oglinzi_ectrocrome_rabatabile.jpg

Edited by cristivw
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