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Resetare Cutie de Viteze e60


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Este chiar asa de greu sa faci operatiunea din filmulet sau care e faza ?

Fiecare simte altfel resetarea adaptarilor din cutie, pana nu incerci nu ai de unde sa stii care e rezultatul pe masina ta.

Operatiunea pentru LCI e fix asemanatoare, pozitia 3 inseamna sa apesi butonul START fara sa apesi frana.


Te asteptam cu pareri dupa operatiune.

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Este chiar asa de greu sa faci operatiunea din filmulet sau care e faza ?

Fiecare simte altfel resetarea adaptarilor din cutie, pana nu incerci nu ai de unde sa stii care e rezultatul pe masina ta.

Operatiunea pentru LCI e fix asemanatoare, pozitia 3 inseamna sa apesi butonul START fara sa apesi frana.


Te asteptam cu pareri dupa operatiune.


Bun, nu am explicat 100%, merci oricum pentru votul de incredere asupra nivelului meu de "lene" :thumbsup: , dar da am facut ce e in video si nu simt nici o diferenta, plus nu am auzit nimic de confirmare get it? De asta intreb...la LCI e diferit? E ceva special?

Merci pentru eventualele raspunsuri constructive!

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Adaptation to driver type

The adaptation to different driver types is done using the following values:



If the accelerator pedal is depressed rapidly, the shift program is changed accordingly. This is achieved by

the detected accelerator-pedal value being compared with threshold values in the EGS control unit. The

result of this comparison is the proposal of one of the two possible programs (XE or E in comfort program, S

or XS in sport program).


Cornering detection

Cornering detection reacts to the vehicle's lateral acceleration with an indirect adaptation to the driver type.

Lateral acceleration is considered an indirect statement of the preferred driving dynamics and does not

cause an immediate gearshift response (shifts when cornering could adversely affect driving stability).

Lateral acceleration is calculated from the signals from the wheel-speed sensors, from the yaw rate and road



Brake evaluation

The braking action is evaluated in a similar way to "kick-fast".

The braking deceleration is measured and compared with threshold values in the EGS control unit. The

result of this comparison is the proposal of one of the two possible programs (XE or E in comfort program, S

or XS in sport program).

The driver-type adaptation is restarted each time the vehicle pulls away from a standstill.


Cam asa functioneaza cutia

Documentatia referitoare la cutie pentru mai multe detalii http://www.motor-talk.de/forum/aktion/Attachment.html?attachmentId=681806


Dupa cum am precizat, nu e mare diferenta la LCI si nu trebuie sa simti neaparat o modificare in comportamentul masinii.


LE: Dupa ce faci operatiunile din filmulet trebuie sa astepti 1-2 minute cel putin pana bagi cheia la loc

Edited by Gabriel.V
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