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Vreau sa dau comanda de anvelope de iarna si nu stiu ce sa aleg intre Continental ContiWinterContact TS850 si TS830p.



- model mai nou cred ( avantaj )

- clasa C la consum si franare ( avantaj )

- pret mai mic decat ts830p



- runflat ( avantaj )

- clasa F si E pt consum si franare

- pret mai mare decat ts850


Nu imi dau seama de ce ts830p sunt mai scumpe decat ts850. Poate sunt mai bune si in cazul asta o sa aleg 830p, dar am nevoie de parerea voastra.



Edited by Kosmog
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Doar iarna ma gandesc ca runflat reprezinta un avantaj Daca ai pana nu trebuie sa mai stai in drum, pe frig, pana il repari cumva, ca sa poti ajunge la prima vulcanizare.


Sunt mai scumpe, sunt mai grele, sunt mai galagioase. Crezi ca merita toate astea doar pentru probabilitatea ca o sa faci pana iarna si stai 10 minute in frig?

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Sa inteleg ca pretul e mai mare doar pt ca sunt runflat ? In cazul asta o sa aleg TS850. Ma gandeam ca au si alte proprietati, fiindca pe net am tot citit ca ts830p sunt pt masinile mai sport


Sigur pretul e mai mare pentru runflat. Eu nu iti recomand. Eu am probat si runflat si non runflat (alt model de cauciucuri) si iti recomand sa iei ts850. Din review-uri par a fi foarte bune.

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Sa inteleg ca pretul e mai mare doar pt ca sunt runflat ? In cazul asta o sa aleg TS850. Ma gandeam ca au si alte proprietati, fiindca pe net am tot citit ca ts830p sunt pt masinile mai sport

Eu am pe masina MICHELIN PILOT SPORT PS2 RUN FLAT si ca dezavantaje sunt:

-masina va fi mai rigida decat cu anvelopele normale(dar te vei obijnui cu ele,nu sunt foarte deranjante)

-zgomot mai mare la rulare

-creste putin consumul(nu stiu cu cat,pentru ca nu ma intereseaza in mod special consumul,oricum motorul de 2L nu are un consum mare chiar si cu anvelope run flat)





- in caz de pana,poti sa mai circuli cu ele pana la o vulcanizare

-in cazul in care mai iei o groapa,nu iti face galma anvelopa(si la cate gropi avem...no coment).

-pe curbe masina este mult,mult mai stabila cu anvelope run flat


Decizia iti apartine in final,succes :rolleyes:

Edited by Cici86
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Sunt multi care au trecut de la un diametru la altul insa nu au incercat niciodata runflat.


Fiind pe un forum, am facut o comparatie utila multora. El poate sa-si culeaga singur informatiile de care are nevoie.


Vrei sa fii moderator ? :unsure:

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Sunt multi care au trecut de la un diametru la altul insa nu au incercat niciodata runflat.


Fiind pe un forum, am facut o comparatie utila multora. El poate sa-si culeaga singur informatiile de care are nevoie.


Intre anvelopele RUN FLAT si cele NON RUN FLAT,sunt avantaje si dezavantaje. Fiecare isi alege anvelopele in functie de buget si de preferinte.

Tii la comfort cumperi non run flat,vrei stabilitate si siguranta,iti cumperi run flat.

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Sa inteleg atunci ca 830p sunt catalogate pentru 'powerful cars' ( asa cum zic ei ) doar pentru ca ofera mai multa stabilitate, fiind RFT ?


Mi se pare foarte derutanta explicatia lor. Pe net 850 sta mai bine la consum si aderenta, insa ei lauda 830p ca fiind mai bune pt powerful cars.




Citez: 'The ContiWinterContact TS 830 P was specially developed for more powerful cars, while the ContiWinterContact TS 850 was designed for mid-range vehicles. Both models supported the control actions of assistance systems such as ESC.'



TS830P: For mid-range and luxury vehicles


The ContiWinterContact TS 830 P is an extremely well-balanced winter tire designed by Continental's tire developers. In addition, the asymmetric, load-distributing tread was designed so that the outside of the tire, with its stable pads, provides firm grip when cornering and responds sensitively to steering commands. The inside of the tire has been designed so that the individual parts of the tread form a large number of gripping edges to provide maximum power transfer for starting and braking on snowy or icy road surfaces. The numerous channels between the tread bars ensure quick and safe drainage of the ground contact area in wet conditions.


To ensure that the ESC (Electronic Stability Control) chassis intervention is transferred as directly as possible, the ContiWinterContact TS 830 P has been equipped with 0-degree sinusoidal siping, designed to transfer longitudinal forces. Lateral forces can also be transferred very effectively with these sipes so that the steering and braking commands are directly applied, even in vehicles that are not fitted with an ESC. The asymmetrical distribution of the tread bars significantly improves handling on both snow and dry roads. The tire also generates less rolling noise as a result. Thanks to the balanced tire contour and uniform abrasion resistance, it can sustain its safe road performance throughout its entire lifetime.




TS850: For the compact and lower mid-range


The new ContiWinterContact TS 850 will be launched in the fall with a wide range of innovative technical features. Its directional tread has been designed to offer a high level of grip to ensure safe interlocking with snow and ice. The new winter tire from Continental also offers a high degree of safety on dry and wet roads. In addition, the tire structure has been further developed to reduce rolling resistance even further. At its launch, the new winter tire from the market leader received recommendations from all the automotive magazines and consumer organizations taking part in the winter tire tests in Germany.

Edited by Kosmog
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Am eu pe masina (nu BMW) modeul asta TS830P luate de noi anul trecut. Suprinza..masina e mai stabila decat cu cele de vara Michelin Primacy HP.Foarte misto pe ud si umed dar pe zapada cam destul de subtirel as spune eu. Ca si tractiune pe zapada sunt sub Dunlop, Sava Eskimo si Barum Polaris..pe astea le-am mai rulat si in intrecut de le pot compara. Daca obisnuiesti sa circuri iarna zilnic cu masina recomand TS850
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