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Trepidatii volan ciudate la frânare BMW e60

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AM pus o print screen - sper ca se intelege cum am bataia.Stiu ca nu asa se masoara, insa doar asta am gasit la disc si mi s-a parut ca nu e ok.


Ieri am fost la un service dedicat BMW din ARAD, ei direct au spus ca discurile sunt de vine- nici nu au demontat rotile :)).


Am mai fost la un Mecanic care se ocupa numai de BMW de la mine din zona- la fel, discurile.


Incerc sa imi dau seama ce poate fi cu discul, si doar bataia asta pe zona exterioara a discului am gasit-o.


Nu pot sa atasaez video-ul.


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Cu siguranta daca as fi 100% sigur ca problema provine de la discuri, as cumpara OEM.Partea trista ar fi daca fac investitia cu OEM, si dupa 3-4000 km sa inceapa sa faca din nou....

Problema mea este ca si rulmentii-care vin cu tot cu butuc- sunt schimbati la masina, SKF-uri(nu sunt 100% sigur nici aici ca sunt SKF) si de aia am o oarecare retinere sa ma arunc la alt set de discuri OEM.Am masurat si butucul- 0.04 mm bataie, deci pare a fi in regula.


Ce am mai gasit intre timp- documentatia de la TRW legata de DTV- Disk Tickness Variation- maxim 0.015mm. Eu am 0.05 pe zona de franare exterioara, 0.05 pe zona de franare interioara.Metoda oficiala de masurare a acestui Dtv cf cu specificatia este cu micrometru in mai multe puncte. Insa crea ca pot concluziona ca disc-ul nu mai este in specificatii.


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Victor, traim intr-o vreme in care marea majoritate a posesorilor de autoturisme (inclusiv "premium") opteaza insistent pentru cele mai ieftine piese si servicii pentru intretinerea masinilor lor. Fiind o piata cu multa competitie, producatorii nu au incotro si ofera exact ceea ce se cere: piese ieftine.

In consecinta, calitatea discurilor si placutelor de frana "aftermarket" a scazut semnificativ.


Cel mai bine, cumpara piese originale si instaleaza-le astfel incat sa beneficiezi de garantie. Din pacate, aceasta inseamna sa mergi la un service autorizat BMW.

Alternativa este sa iti asumi riscul si sa joci in continuare la loteria aftermarket. Caz in care iti recomand sa optezi pentru producatorii din gama de sus a preturilor si care (inca mai) au review-uri bune privind calitatea.

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When referring to auto parts, OEM refers to the manufacturer of the original equipment, that is, the parts assembled and installed during the construction of a new vehicle. In contrast, aftermarket parts are those made by companies other than the OEM, which might be installed as replacements after the car comes out of the factory. For example, if Ford used Autolite spark plugs, Exide batteries, Bosch fuel injectors, and Ford's own engine blocks and heads when building a car, then car restorers and collectors consider those to be the OEM parts.[citation needed] Other-brand parts would be considered aftermarket, such as Champion spark plugs, DieHard batteries, Kinsler fuel injectors, and BMP engine blocks and heads. Many auto parts manufacturers sell parts through multiple channels, for example to car makers for installation during new-vehicle construction, to car makers for resale as automaker-branded replacement parts, and through general merchandising supply chains. Any given brand of part can be OEM on some vehicle models and aftermarket on others
Edited by C a t a l i n
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Original Equipment (OE)


Original Equipment parts are the parts your car was fitted with on the production line when it was made. These parts are branded as the manufacturers own, meaning BMW OE parts (for example) come in BMW packaging, and will have official BMW part numbers – but they are actually generally made by another specialist company – called the OEM:

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)


An Original Equipment Manufacturer is the company who makes the Original Equipment parts for a specific vehicle manufacturer.

Using our example, BMW uses lots of different OEM’s to supply the components and assemblies used to build their vehicles. For example, Thyssenkrupp is an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and is an approved and accredited supplier to BMW, manufacturing BMW suspension parts.

Some OEM’s also sell parts directly to the consumer, under their own brand name (i.e. Delphi batteries) and in some cases the parts are identical to the OE part, but with different packaging and part numbers (and a much lower price tag!). Despite this, these parts can never be officially classified or marketed as OE, as they have not been supplied by the manufacturer.

Sometimes manufacturers use recognised brands as their official OE part fitment. BMW often use Brembo brake calipers, Harman/Kardon in-car entertainment and Bridgestone tyres as OE on lots of their vehicles, but these are NOT rebranded ‘BMW’. Instead they are actively promoted in their own right as they are recognised and highly desired premium specialist component brands.


“In generally” nu ĂŽnseamnĂŁ ca toate piesele Bmw sunt fĂŁcute de cĂŁtre altcineva.


Când spui OE știi clar la ce te referi, adicĂŁ la piese comandate pe cod original Bmw la prețul ala mare, când spui OEM te poți referi strict la piese pe producĂŁtor, trw, ate, etc.


In domeniul pieselor auto si auto, se diferențiazĂŁ clar când spui OE sau OEM

Edited by WIN60
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Original Equipment parts are the parts your car was fitted with on the production line when it was made. These parts are branded as the manufacturers own, meaning BMW OE parts (for example) come in BMW packaging, and will have official BMW part numbers – but they are actually generally made by another specialist company – called the OEM:

Original Equipment Manufacturer

Edited by X X L
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Eu aici vad un pic diferit.OE inseamna piesa originala, care a fost pusa in fabrica, in momentul fabricarii masinii.OEM inseamna furnizorul care a dezvoltat linia de productie si care a produs in serie acea piesa pe toata durata productiei de serie a modelului.



Deci si OE-ul si OEM-ul sunt facute de aceelasi furnizor, singura diferenta este ca linia de productie de la furnizor nu mai produce in conditii de serie , ci in conditii de spare parts.Calitatea este un pic diferita, la liniile de spare parts anumiti indicatori de calitate nu mai sunt asa de verificati.


Asa vad eu lucrurile cu OE si OEM. In cazul BMW-ului meu, cred ca discul original este facut de Jurid, insa nu sunt sigur.Diferenta este ca Jurid-ul OE a fost produs in conditii de serie, Jurid-ul ce il cumpar acum ca OEM este produs in conditii de spare parts.

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Da, mai exista piese pe piata care sunt facute exclusiv de bmw si vandute de bmw si nu de un anume producator pentru bmw, de aia si scrie acolo ca generally. Nu stiu daca bmw mai face sau face si discuri, dar am explicat ca in domeniul auto, cand spui OE inseamna ceva, cand spui OEM inseamna altceva, tocmai pentru a nu face o confuzie sa zici ca vrei piesa OEM si el sa iti aduca piesa pe producator in loc de original.
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