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Auto start-stop


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Il folositi ? Afecteaza motorul in timp ? ( motorul in starea respectiva si apoi urmeaza accelerare brusca in treapta I )


Eu am tendinta sa il pun pe off atunci cand motorul e rece si doar dupa cateva minute de mers sa il activez

Edited by Kosmog
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"The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in the US raised questions about non-hybrid Honda vehicles equipped with the company's 'Idle Stop' transmissions in February 2001 due to concerns over the "sudden lurching forward of a vehicle in an automatic restart" – rather than the "gradual creeping forward found in current transmission designs." [23][24]


Hybrid/electric assist vehicles experience almost no delay in power from a stop, due to the instant availability of power from the traction battery to the electric motor(s). Gasoline/microhybrids on the other hand generally experience slight delays (albeit fractions of a second).


Many people think that long term use may induce additional wear due to lack of oil lubrication, but this is not true. In a start stop system the short stop times keep the engine and oil warm, retaining lubrication.[25] Some implementations do not use a starter motor, eliminating concerns of starter motor wear. Mazda i-stop used in their Mazda3/Axela line (in Europe and JDM) uses combustion to restart their engine by sensing the position of the piston in the cylinder. They claim quieter and quicker engine restart within 0.35 seconds.[26]


Start-stop systems are heavily reliant on the battery. Testing indicates that AGM batteries diminish in their ability to support start-stop functionality over time. [1]. While alternatives exist (NiZn, Lithium-Ion, supercapacitors,[27] PbC), virtually all automakers continue to use conventional AGM lead acid batteries."




Se pare ca nu dauneaza masinii doar se pune problema poluarii...ce ironie...

Edited by MscleMike
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Pe de alta parte, uitati ce zice cineva despre tinerea masinii la relanti :



To summarise the negative effects of idling:


Fuel combustion is incomplete, which leads to contamination of combustion chamber (glazing), spark plugs (wich reduces their effectiveness), exhaust system (including catalytic converter).

Motor does not operate at optimal temperature, which leads to excessive condensation of water vapour in exhaust system, which leads to its corrosion (ergo premature replacement), and increased emissions.



During idling engine does not work at its most efficient mode, and the fuel combustion is incomplete. That leads to glazing of combustion chamber and reducing effectiveness of spark plugs in petrol engines (plugs with heavy deposits can foul, and that can reduce fuel consumption by 4 to 5%). Also petrol can contaminate the motor oil which reduces its lubricating qualities (that could mean more frequent oil changes and/or increased wear on the engine).


Also, as the engine runs at less than ideal operating temperature, which causes water vapour (a product of combustion) to accumulate in exhaust system (at proper temperature and at higher speed of exiting gasses caused by increased RPMs it clears out pretty good), which leads to corrosion. Also, idling produces up to 10–12% more emissions than driving for the same amount of petrol used due to incomplete combustion and ineffective operation of catalytic converter.

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Cu siguranțĂŁ dĂŁuneazĂŁ motorului și mersul la ralanti, insa refuz sa cred ca are efecte mai puțin negative pornirea din 25 ĂŽn 25 de metri,asa cum se ĂŽntâmplĂŁ ĂŽn București.

Cu atât mai mult ca de multe ori motorul nici nu atinge temperatura optima.

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Revin cu o ĂŽntrebare, poate mai știe cineva. Tot ĂŽncerc sĂŁ caut dar nu gĂŁsesc rezultate favorabile.


ExistĂŁ posibilitatea codĂŁrii Start-Stop sĂŁ intre ĂŽn acțiune dupa 5 sau 10 secunde sĂŁ zicem?

AdicĂŁ știm cu toții, dacĂŁ doar te oprești 2 secunde la un cedeazĂŁ trecerea - ENGINE STOP, tocmai ca sĂŁ reporneascĂŁ instant - aici mi se pare o prostie fenomenalĂŁ.

DacĂŁ abia s-a fĂŁcut roșu și dureazĂŁ 1 minut semaforul, dupĂŁ ce "simte" mașina cĂŁ ai stat 10 secunde imobilizat, sĂŁ-l opreascĂŁ, atunci mi s-ar pĂŁrea chiar util.

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Revin cu o ĂŽntrebare, poate mai știe cineva. Tot ĂŽncerc sĂŁ caut dar nu gĂŁsesc rezultate favorabile.


ExistĂŁ posibilitatea codĂŁrii Start-Stop sĂŁ intre ĂŽn acțiune dupa 5 sau 10 secunde sĂŁ zicem?

AdicĂŁ știm cu toții, dacĂŁ doar te oprești 2 secunde la un cedeazĂŁ trecerea - ENGINE STOP, tocmai ca sĂŁ reporneascĂŁ instant - aici mi se pare o prostie fenomenalĂŁ.

DacĂŁ abia s-a fĂŁcut roșu și dureazĂŁ 1 minut semaforul, dupĂŁ ce "simte" mașina cĂŁ ai stat 10 secunde imobilizat, sĂŁ-l opreascĂŁ, atunci mi s-ar pĂŁrea chiar util.

up :popcorn:

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Revin cu o ĂŽntrebare, poate mai știe cineva. Tot ĂŽncerc sĂŁ caut dar nu gĂŁsesc rezultate favorabile.


ExistĂŁ posibilitatea codĂŁrii Start-Stop sĂŁ intre ĂŽn acțiune dupa 5 sau 10 secunde sĂŁ zicem?




AdicĂŁ știm cu toții, dacĂŁ doar te oprești 2 secunde la un cedeazĂŁ trecerea - ENGINE STOP, tocmai ca sĂŁ reporneascĂŁ instant - aici mi se pare o prostie fenomenalĂŁ.

DacĂŁ abia s-a fĂŁcut roșu și dureazĂŁ 1 minut semaforul, dupĂŁ ce "simte" mașina cĂŁ ai stat 10 secunde imobilizat, sĂŁ-l opreascĂŁ, atunci mi s-ar pĂŁrea chiar util.

singura optiune (in afara de varianta codarii pe off) este sa calci ambreiajul (daca ai cutie manuala) si atunci nu se mai opreste deloc... sau sa apesi butonul de on/off de langa START/STOP... :download:

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