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Bmw E46 318CI Sport Coupe


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Modelul mi-a placut intotdeauna, asa ca am cautat un exempar cat mai bine intretinut, nu voiam motor mare din cauza taxelor, m-am hotarat sa cumpar una cu motor de 2 litri, benzina. Dupa cateva luni de cautari am gasit un exemplar in stare foarte buna, cu un nivel de echipare care sa o puna in valoare, respectiv un kit M Tech complet. Masina este fabricata in aprilie 2004 si are acum 132.000 km la bord. Motorul este N46B20A 1995 cmc si 150 de cai (110 kw). Masina are transmisie automata, se misca suficient de bine, fara sa fie insa o masina cu care sa mergi la liniute (pentru cei ce merg la liniute, cu siguranta le trebuie un motor mult mai mare). Este genul de masina pe care o folosesti pentru plimbari, nu pentru curse. Culoarea este Silbergrau Metallic (A08), iar tapiteria Alcantara+textil.




S1CAA - Selection of COP relevant vehicles

S205A - Automatic transmission

S226A - Sports suspension settings

S249A - Multifunction f steering wheel

S251A - Runflat indicator

S302A - Alarm system

S338A - M Sports package II

S428A - Warning triangle and first aid kit

S431A - Interior mirror with automatic-dip

S441A - Smoker package

S481A - Sports seat

S495A - 3-point belt and headrest, center rear

S508A - Park Distance Control (PDC)

S534A - Automatic air conditioning

S650A - CD player

S661A - Radio BMW Business (C43)

S692A - BMW 6-CD changer I-bus

S710A - M leather steering wheel

S716A - Aerodynamics package

S522A - Xenon Light

S760A - High gloss shadow line

S772A - Interior moldings Piano Black

S775A - Headlining anthracite

S785A - White direction indicator lights

S788A - BMW LA wheel, Individual

S850A - Additional Export tank filling

S863A - Retailer Directory Europe

S877A - Delete cross-pattern operation

S880A - On-board vehicle literature English

S8SMA - Car ident. number visible from outside

S8SPA - Control unit COP


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Mai multe poze :)


Edited by mmihai82
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