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Vand Racechip Response Control

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Modul cumparat de la Racechip din Germania - nou cu factura 200 euro.

Se poate folosi la o varietate de modele BMW motor N47 2.0 diesel. Mareste raspunsul in acceleratie. Nu modifica nimic in softul masinii. Are 6 setari, 2 de ECO , 2 medii si 2 sport. Functioneaza excelent.

L-am folosit pe masina mea 318dA fabr. 2011 si pe E60 520d 2009.

Inclus tot pachetul si cabluri necesare pentru conectare inclusiv la E60 520d care necesita o mufa diferita la pedala de acceleratie.

Produsul poate fi cumparat doar de aici , consultati pagina fabricantului si descrierea modulului - http://www.racechip.com/responsecontrol-info/


Pret 170€.





Edited by Andrei_VUV
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Hmm...posibil daca e aceeasi mufa la pedala. Trebuie sa vb cu cineva de la racechip in DE si te anunt daca e compatibil.

Eventual imi poti face o poza cu senzorul de la pedala si iti spun daca se potriveste. Si eu am avut surpriza la E60 acelasi motor N47 2.0d si nu se potrivea mufa dar i-am contactat pe cei de la racechip si mi-au trimis alta mufa din Germania gratis. :thumbsup:

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Am primit azi raspunsul . Deci se pare ca merge.


"RaceChip | Manuel Buchholzer (RaceChip)

Apr 17, 13:59


Dear Sir,


many thanks for your request.


Yes, It's suitable for the BMW E46. You can use the ResponseControl for an BMW E90 318d

in a BMW E46 320d without problems. It's the same module and connection.


For further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us again.

Please don't delete the old messages, just because we can answer you faster then.


We hope this information was helpful for you.


Mit freundlichen GrĂźĂen

With best regards,


Manuel Buchholzer"

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