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Problema Rupere Lant Distributie Motoare N47 2.0D

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Poate va dati cu parerea si de motorul meu. Imi pare destul de galagios in ultima vreme. De fapt de cand am bagat ulei BMW original (desi are si zile in care e mai silentios)

Nu a fost schimbata distributia si are aproape 180.000. Trebuie sa fac un drum de vreo 3000km si nu vreau sa am surprize.



Edited by luapsogard
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Poate va dati cu parerea si de motorul meu. Imi pare destul de galagios in ultima vreme. De fapt de cand am bagat ulei BMW original (desi are si zile in care e mai silentios)

Nu a fost schimbata distributia si are aproape 180.000. Trebuie sa fac un drum de vreo 3000km si nu vreau sa am surprize.




Se aude cel mai bine pe dedesubt, la imbinarea dintre motor si cutie, cu masina ridicata pe elevator. Eu zic ca motorul tau se aude "binisor". E de schimbat, daca vrei o parere personala. Lasa youtube-ul si mergi la un service sa-l asculte o ureche avizata!

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Mi-am vandut e46-le si urmeaza sa-mi achizitionez un e90 320d. Intentia mea este ca imediat dupa achizitionare sa-i schimb lantul+patinele, indiferent daca exista sau nu sunete specifice. Exagerez daca fac asta? Exista cazuri in care s-a rupt lantul fara sunete suspecte in prealabil?

Sunt de parere ca better safe than sorry, dar nici 3.000 lei nu este o suma tocmai neglijabila.

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Mda. Au mai aparut rapoarte PUMA.


Mai jos se afla 43863106-16


Measure no.43863106-16


topic N47 , N47S , N47T , grinding noises in the engine ,Timing chain scrapes


Release date ( dd.mm.yy) 12:09:13


status released


organization DE, car affected vehicles

E- series

E60 E61 E81 E82 E83

E84 E87 E88 E90 E91

E92 E93 F07 F10 F11

F20 F21 F25 F30 F31


engine N47DK0 N47 N47S N47T body


Production time ( from / to) ( dd.mm.yy) / 01:09:13

Feedback (all cases to To measure ) ( dd.mm.yy)



Scraping , -grinding engine noise since 1500 1/min , which in the interior

is noticeable.

The noise can be good the gear housing or to the sump perceived are.



Sharp edges of the sprockets , or the timing chain is not running smoothly on Guide rails.




Important: Before beginning the repair is necessarily the availability of parts sure !


Attention: Please be sure to check before installing the part number of the supplied parts and possibly compare the two side rails with the system ! As part of the PuMA measure

Only the parts listed in the measure to be installed !


Caution: Note the modified setting high pressure pump to the crankshaft ! this Change is currently not documented in the official repair manual , but already in the series implemented.


For this purpose, please pay attention to the appendix!


Figure 1: Shows the current in the repair instructions " 1131052 both timing chains first ( N47 / N47S .) "

Good positioning of the crankshaft. The HDP is in accordance with the repair Manual positioned .


Picture 2 and 3: Rotate the crankshaft in the direction shown until piston is still a shelter

of 1 mm has .


Figure 4: Shows dugout before top dead center. Install lower timing chain now .


Caution : Remember setting the timing of the crankshaft to the camshaft unchanged ! only the position of the crankshaft is affected by HDP -described change of !


Three cases can be distinguished as follows :


Case 1:

For motors N47 N47DK0 , N47S , production period 01.03.2007 to 05.01.2009 . In case of customer complaint, the following components must be replaced :

- 11 21 7 803 479 replacement crankshaft with bearing shells .

Note: Only crankshafts with production date after the 5th 1 2009 use !

The production date of the crankshaft is stamped on the sprocket. (See Annex, page 1 )

Meaning of the digits :

- The first two digits represent the production line.

- The next six digits represent : Year (two digits) , month, day .

- The last 5 digits identify the unit number of the crankshaft.

The crankshaft reproduced in the Appendix on page 1 is thus 21 October 2009 been made ​​.

- 11 41 7 797 896 for the chain drive of the oil pump.

- 13 52 8 572 504 timing chain below .

- 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket for driving the high pressure pump.

- 11 27 7 800 523 gear ( intermediate for the balance shafts ) .

- 11 27 7 802 575 gear ( balance shaft drive ) .

- 11 27 7 802 576 gear ( balance shaft drive ) .

- 11 31 8 572 503 timing chain above.

- 11 31 7 797 899 for timing chain guide rail above.

- 13 52 8 573 158 for timing chain guide rail below .

- 13 52 8 573 159 sliding rail for timing chain below .

- 11 31 8 576 201 chain tensioner for timing chain top

Note: The below is just damped timing chain tensioning and guide rails use ! (see Plant page 2) A shoring of only a damped rail is not permitted!

For the timing chain guide rail only without stiffening webs using up! (see System page 3) Note: The intermediate for the balance shafts in accordance with repair instructions exactly Set !

If the intermediate and the balance shafts are adjusted insufficient , the motor despite new crankshaft etc. produce sounds !

See repair manual 11 " replace crankshaft " 21 500th


Note: For vehicles in which in a previous repair already crankshaft was renewed :

These vehicles treated as described in " Case 2 " .


Case 2:

For motors N47 N47DK0 , N47S , N47T production period from 05.01.2009 - 01.03.2011

Replace the following components in the case of a customer complaint :

- 13 52 8 572 504 timing chain below .

- 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket for driving the high pressure pump.

- 11 31 8 572 503 timing chain above.

- 11 31 7 797 899 for timing chain guide rail above.

- 13 52 8 573 158 for timing chain guide rail below .

- 13 52 8 573 159 sliding rail for timing chain below .

- 11 31 8 576 201 chain tensioner for timing chain top

Note: The screw of the intermediate for the balance shafts must not solved more are !

Note: The below is just damped timing chain tensioning and guide rails use ! (see Plant page 2) A shoring of only a damped rail is not permitted!

For the timing chain guide rail only without stiffening webs using up! (see System page 3)

Note: For vehicles in respect of which a repair already the slide rails without Reinforcing bars were installed and replaced both timing chains : These vehicles treat as described in " Case 3 " .


Case 3:

For motors N47 , N47S , N47T from production period 01.03.2011 or has already taken place repairs with guide rails without stiffening ribs .

In case of customer complaint, replace the following components

- 13 52 8 572 504 timing chain below .

- 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket for driving the high pressure pump.

- 11 31 8 572 503 timing chain above.

- 13 52 8 573 158 for timing chain guide rail below .

- 13 52 8 573 159 sliding rail for timing chain below .

- 11 31 8 576 201 chain tensioner for timing chain top

Note: The below is just damped timing chain tensioning and guide rails use ! (see Plant page 2) . A sheeting of a single damped rail is not permitted!

Note: The target build status after repair is illustrated on page 4 of Appendix


!!! Raportul PUMA este atasat !!!


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A mea era putin galagioasa, desi vizual toate pareau ok. Se auzea mai ales intre 1500-2000, cum se precizeaza si-n rapoarte.

Treptat la noua distributie a revenit un mic zgomot ritmic doar in ralanti si sesizabil doar langa roata dreapta. In habitaclu nimic, la nici o turatie.


Eu ma declar 95% multumit dupa inlocuire.

Cum nici ultimele piese disponibile nu-ti garanteaza mare lucru, macar asta o sa reziste lejer pana va aparea rezolvarea. Daca va aparea.


Pana atunci, eu nu-mi mai bat capul. Ma bucur de ea in fiecare zi si ma felicit ca o am. :)

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Dimineata pe la 5, frig afara rau, iara facea uratel la mine :D. Futu-i mama ei de treaba. Toata vara a fost silent, uneori nu se mai auzea deloc. Cred ca de la intinzator e la mine problema, pana apuca sa ia ulei sa intinda bine lantul face urat.


P.S. Azi-noapte am visat ca mi se rupsese lantul :)) Ce kkt de cosmar.

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Eu nu-mi mai fac probleme. De cand am schimbat si motorina, toarce ca o pisicuta.


Mai nou vad tot mai des probleme la axa cu came a fiabilelor motoare de 1.9tdi pe VAG, cele ce au folosit ulei LL 5W30.

Motoarele sunt generatie 2004-2008 (Euro 4), dar problemele apar abia acum. Cam dupa ce trec de 150-180.000km.

Tare mi-e ca uleiul asta e foarte prost si in plus, lasat cate 30.000 de km face praf si distributiile pe lant.


Ma bucur ca am trecut pe 5W40, ii fac schimburile la maxim 15000 si dorm linistit.

Edited by C_o_s_m_i_n
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