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Problema Rupere Lant Distributie Motoare N47 2.0D

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nop,recomanda schimbarea masinii,dupa 6 ani,sau aproximativ 250 mii km.




aia cu uleiu´e "romaneasca":


atunci o mai tinem 2 ani si ii spunem la revedere, si ne orientam spre un F10, F30 nu ma incanta deloc cum arata :popcorn:

Edited by arabu09
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Cati km are masina ta?






E placebo, stai linistit. :laugh:

Asa e fiecare ulei proaspat.

Dar eu de cand am trecut pe 5W40, la un drum de cateva sute de km (cand uleiul e incins si frecat, vai mama lui), chiar se aude mai fin. :)


Interesant, cand am facut schimbul cu 5w30 nu am avut nici un sentiment placebo :sorcerer: revin oricum cu review :thumbsup:

Ar fi o tampenie totusi sa mint ca e mai silentios doar ca sa demonstrez eu voua ca am dreptate :rolleyes:

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Smiley32,ma intereseaza cu adevarat problema insa ma intereseaza zgomotul motorului lui Paleonte care se pare ca este produs de sistemul de echilibrare al arborelui cotit.Crede-ma ca stiu toate filmulete de pe youtube si de pe acest forum insa,repet,ma intereseaza strict sunetul motorului lui Paleonte.Oricum mutlumesc pentru sfat.
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Daca este cineva din Constanta care poseda motor N47 si doreste sa facem o comparatie "face to face",astept propuneri.


Io-s din Cta, aj in Rumania in cateva zile, stabilim si ascultam, eu am aproape 200k. Distributia rezista. Oricum asa cum s-a scris in nenumarate randuri la cele din 2008 cel putin, trebuie schimbat si arborele. Eu, nu o sa schimb nimic preventiv, decat daca harshitul metalic adevarat va aparea si probabil ca o duc la Bucuresti, desi nu-mi plac locuitorii acelui oras, se pare ca sunt mai priceputi in ale BMW-urilor.

Faza cu ascultatul.. e greu in Cta . Mie mi-e teama ca in caz ca se rupe nici n-am unde s-o duc cu incredere (incluzand AB).


Total off-topic: Simt asa ca F10-le meu se fabrica sau deja e fabricat, il las sa-l mai alerge doctorul neamt si divortzat, si-l cumpar. :thumbsup:

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Measure no.

43863106-11 topic

Scrapes N47, N47S, N47T, grinding noises in the engine, timing chain

Release date (dd.mm.yy)

18:04:13 Status

Released organization

DE, car


Affected vehicles


E60 E61 E81 E82 E83

E84 E87 E88 E90 E91

E92 E93 F10 F11 F20

F25 F30 F31 engine

N47DK0 N47 N47S N47T body


Production period (from / to) (dd.mm.yy)

/ Commentary production period

Feedback (all cases to measure up) (dd.mm.yy)




Scraping,-grinding engine noise since 1500 1/min, which in the interior

is noticeable.

The noise can be easily heard on the transmission housing or the oil pan




Sharp edges of the sprockets, or the timing chain does not run evenly over the

Guide rails.



Important: Before beginning the repair is essential to ensure the availability of the parts!


Note: Currently there are only limited numbers of significant complaints or already

deferred repairs available! Series using the damped rail is planned (date

open). With successful series production is then a sufficient supply of parts for the Service



Change version 11:

The part number for the upper timing chain (HDP to camshaft) has been changed. No other

Obstruct the part numbers as listed in case 1-3 in the event of a customer complaint! All

other contents correspond Version 10



Three cases can be distinguished as follows:


Case 1:


For motors N47 N47DK0, N47S, production period 01.03.2007 to 05.01.2009.

In case of customer complaint, the following components must be replaced:


- 11 21 7 803 479 replacement crankshaft with bearing shells.


Note: Only crankshafts with production date after the 5th 1 2009 use!

The production date of the crankshaft is stamped on the sprocket. (See Appendix, page 1)

Meaning of the digits:

- The first two digits represent the production line.

- The next six digits represent: Year (two digits), month, day.

- The last 5 digits identify the unit number of the crankshaft.

The crankshaft reproduced in the Appendix on page 1 is thus 21 Been made in October 2009.


- 11 41 7 797 896 for the chain drive of the oil pump.

- 13 52 8 572 504 timing chain below.

- 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket for driving the high pressure pump.

- 11 27 7 800 523 gear (intermediate for the balance shafts).

- 11 27 7 802 575 gear (balance shaft drive).

- 11 27 7 802 576 gear (balance shaft drive).

- 11 31 8 510 014 timing chain above.

- 11 31 7 797 899 for timing chain guide rail above.

- 13 52 8 573 158 for timing chain guide rail below.

- 13 52 8 573 159 sliding rail for timing chain below.


Note: For use only damped down the timing chain tensioning and guide rails! (See

Plant page 2) A shoring of only a damped rail is not permitted!

For the timing chain guide rail only without stiffening webs using up! (See Appendix page 3)


Note: Adjust the idler for the balance shafts in accordance with repair instructions exactly!

If the intermediate and the balance shafts are set sufficiently, the motor can, despite

new crankshaft etc. produce sounds!

See repair manual 11 "replace crankshaft" 21 500th


Note: For vehicles where already in a previous repair the crankshaft

was renewed:

These vehicles treated as described in "Case 2".


Case 2:


For motors N47 N47DK0, N47S, N47T production period from 05.01.2009 - 01.03.2011

Replace the following components in the case of a customer complaint:


- 13 52 8 572 504 timing chain below.

- 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket for driving the high pressure pump.

- 11 31 8 510 014 timing chain above.

- 11 31 7 797 899 for timing chain guide rail above.

- 13 52 8 573 158 for timing chain guide rail below.

- 13 52 8 573 159 sliding rail for timing chain below.


Note: The screw of the intermediate for the balance shafts have not solved



Note: For use only damped down the timing chain tensioning and guide rails! (See

Plant page 2) A shoring of only a damped rail is not permitted!

For the timing chain guide rail only without stiffening webs using up! (See Appendix page 3)


Note: For vehicles in respect of which a repair already the slide without

Installed reinforcing webs and both timing chains were replaced: treat these vehicles as

described in "Case 3".



Case 3:


For motors N47, N47S, N47T from production period 01.03.2011 or already made repairs

with guide rails without stiffening ribs.

Replace the following components in the case of a customer complaint:


- 13 52 8 572 504 timing chain below.

- 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket for driving the high pressure pump.

- 11 31 8 510 014 timing chain above.

- 13 52 8 573 158 for timing chain guide rail below.

- 13 52 8 573 159 sliding rail for timing chain below.


Note: For use only damped down the timing chain tensioning and guide rails! (See

Plant page 2). A sheeting of a single damped rail is not permitted!



Note: The target build status after repair is shown on page 4 of the installation.


Note: The guide and tensioning rail, which are listed in the ETK, are not acoustically optimized!

This may not be built within the PuMA action!



Error: error: error conditions:

11/21 crankshaft timing gear drive noise

11/21 crankshaft timing gear drive wheel wear

11 engine noise at engine

11 engine noise at engine

Speed ​​1000-2000 U / min

11/00 Engine: running behavior n.i.O. Permanent

11/31 timing chain crankshaft damage

11/31 camshaft timing chain damage

11/31 Timing slide wrong part




# Error: error:

1 11/31 crankshaft timing chain noise


Replace special billing

No Department *



Traiasca Google Translate :sorcerer:


Cica mai exista si varianta 43863106-13, mai veche, dar nu am gasit-o inca.

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Am citit cam jumatate din acest topic, dar tot am o intrebare care ma roade: daca imi iau un 320d dupa 2009, sa zicem din 2010, si mai platesc ~700 euro ca sa-i schimb lantul, inseamna ca mi-am luat grija? Adica pot sta linistit urmatorii 100k km? Sau dupa cat timp ma astept sa se uzeze acest lant nou? Sau cumva, acesta este diferit de cel initial si nu mai are problema ruperii?

Multumesc, si sper ca nu am deranjat, dar din cauza acestui topic am inceput sa ma orientez dupa 330d, dar parca e cam mare impozitul, si sunt si putine de unde sa aleg..

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Lasa ca nici motoarele de 3.0d nu-s mai stralucite. Si alea rup lanturile.

Sigur nu esti cu nici un motor de la N47 incoace. Depinde de noroc si revizii.


Da, riscul e mai scazut la cele Euro5, dar zilele trecute citeam un anunt al unui coleg cu E90 N47 2009 caruia i-a fost schimbat intreg motorul in garantie, probabil in urma ruperii distributiei.

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coleg cu E90 N47 2009 caruia i-a fost schimbat intreg motorul in garantie, probabil in urma ruperii distributiei.

Acelasi lucru s-a intamplat si la mine la e60 520d E5 11.2008. Motor schimbat pe garantie la 1an jumate de cand era noua si 54k km. :)

De atunci a facut cu motorul nou peste 150k km fara probleme.

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