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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Vand diverse piese E46 + componente motor 320d

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-Praguri stock E46 Sedan Titan Silver Metalic: 100 lei ambele


-Capac culbutori: 180 lei


-Pompa ulei 320d: 300 lei



-Navigatie OEM E46 (modul BM54, modul navi, monitor 16:9, modul TV): 420e


-Cutie manuala E46 320d 6 trepte in stare perfecta: 250e


-Grup cutie manuala 6 trepte: 100e


****Pachet grup + cutie: 330e


-Pompa ABS E46: 300 lei


-Oglinzi E46 stock : 400 lei


-Modul airbag E46: 200 lei


-Set trimuri Alu-Black Cube E46: 400 lei

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  • 2 weeks later...

-Praguri stock E46 Sedan Titan Silver Metalic: 100 lei ambele


-Pompa ulei 320d: 300 lei



-Navigatie OEM E46 (modul BM54, modul navi, monitor 16:9, modul TV): 420e


-Cutie manuala E46 320d 6 trepte in stare perfecta: 250e


-Grup cutie manuala 6 trepte: 100e


****Pachet grup + cutie: 330e


-Pompa ABS E46: 300 lei


-Oglinzi E46 stock : 400 lei


-Modul airbag E46: 200 lei


-Set trimuri Alu-Black Cube E46: 400 lei

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*****Se adauga si un set de difuzoare HERTZ HSK 165 cu un tweeter ars: 450 lei


Tweeterul se poate repara. In rest functioneaza fara nici o problema. Pachetul include: 2 x woofere, 2 x tweetere, 2 x crossovere cu nivel tweeter reglabil.










***** Un set de leduri pt iluminarea numarului pt e46 noi : 110 lei



Edited by Kenbobo
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  • 2 weeks later...




Set leduri nr E46 foarte puternice: 100 lei



Set sticle far BMW E46 Facelift originale: 210 lei




-Praguri stock E46 Sedan Titan Silver Metalic: 100 lei ambele


-Pompa ulei 320d: 300 lei



-Navigatie OEM E46 (modul BM54, modul navi, monitor 16:9, modul TV): 420e


-Cutie manuala E46 320d 6 trepte in stare perfecta: 250e


-Grup cutie manuala 6 trepte: 100e


****Pachet grup + cutie: 330e


-Pompa ABS E46: 300 lei


-Oglinzi E46 stock : 400 lei


-Modul airbag E46: 200 lei


-Set trimuri Alu-Black Cube E46: 400 lei

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  • 4 months later...

Nu mai sunt.




- Praguri stock E46 Sedan Titan Silver Metalic: 100 lei ambele


- Pompa ulei 320d: 300 lei


- Maneta BC: 80 lei


- LCM E46 Facelift : 60 lei


- DAC USB 24 bit (functioneaza si pe Android) : 200 lei


- Oglinda E46: 60 lei

Edited by Kenbobo
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