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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×


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am incercat azi sa fac update unui prieten cu nbt next europe 2016-2 si codul generat nu a mers,nici cel lifetime.pentru fila DE am folosit 1. Diagnostic Address (hex) = 0x63

2. Click on the Identify button and the Base variant HU_NBTwill be populated

3. Application ID for NBT= 0xDE

4. Upgrade Index = 0x1. am gresit cu ceva? am folosit fsc generator

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Am dat sa instalez, cu cod cumpĂŁrat si 3 stick-uri la mine, dau accept si apare eroarea: Navigation data incomplete or has been manipulated. Please have the system checked by service.


Ma gândeam eu ca nu scap asa usor...





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Si acum nici macar nu mai recunoaĂâ˘te USB-ul ala, sa mai vad macar o data eroarea



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Stie cineva ce e de facut?



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Am dat sa instalez, cu cod cumpărat si 3 stick-uri la mine, dau accept si apare eroarea: Navigation data incomplete or has been manipulated. Please have the system checked by service.


Ma gândeam eu ca nu scap asa usor...





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Si acum nici macar nu mai recunoaČte USB-ul ala, sa mai vad macar o data eroarea



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Stie cineva ce e de facut?



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Muta fisierul guidedtour sau ceva de genul din usb 3 in usb 1 si o sa mearga.

Edited by FANATIC
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Am incercat sa fac update la navigatia CIC,versiune harti 2010 si am vrut sa instalez prima data cic motion east 2015-2, dar surpriza, apare msg : Navigation data incomplete or has been manipulated !



vezi ca tie iti trebuie hartile premium nu motion... :)

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Am incercat sa fac update la navigatia CIC,versiune harti 2010 si am vrut sa instalez prima data cic motion east 2015-2, dar surpriza, apare msg : Navigation data incomplete or has been manipulated !


harti premium 2016-2 east !

Edited by patrutalex
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