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Noul X5


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Sportiest Ute in Town? BMW's second-generation, seven-seat X5 spied


The second-generation BMW X5 moves up in size, performance, comfort, versatility and standing, though the new South Carolina-built sport/utility vehicle (codenamed E70) isn’t due on U.S. dealer lots until the end of 2006 as an ’07 model. In a world exclusive, AutoWeek has caught the new seven-seater—wearing production bodywork underneath its surface disguise—testing on public roads near BMW’s German headquarters.


BMW’s design team, headed by Dutchman Adrian van Hooydonk, combined contemporary styling with familiar themes from today’s X5 to create a distinctive SUV that’s instantly recognizable as a BMW. However, the new ute is much less radical than the smaller X3 with which it shares much of its mechanical package.


Longer, wider and taller than today’s model, and with an extended rear overhang, the new X5 puts greater distance between itself and the X3, which should allow BMW to command higher prices. Inside, the X5 promises a 5 Series-like interior. Five-passenger-seating is standard, but BMW will likely offer buyers two third-row seats as optional equipment.


Conventional steel springs will be used on lower-end models, with air springs reserved for upmarket versions, along with an automatic self-leveling feature to maintain ride height when towing. BMW will also offer active steering on the new X5.


Power comes from a wider range of inline six-cylinder and V8 engines than today’s model, with several diesel units on tap for Europe. Among the gasoline engines is the recently upgraded 3.0-liter six. It will be joined from the outset by new 4.0- and 4.8-liter V8s.

The new X5 uses a six-speed manual or six-speed automatic gearbox and BMW’s xDrive four-wheel-drive system. As with the first-generation model, BMW has decided against hardcore SUV systems such as separate transfer case, locking differentials and automatically decoupling stabilizers. BMW engineers argue that the added weight would be detrimental to efforts to once again establish the X5 the most agile sport/ute on the road.




Sunt tare curios ce va iesi din el....incep sa nu ma mai bucur cand aud ca scot pe piata cate un model nou :blink:





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  • 3 months later...

Pai ceva placut ochiului meu nu are cum sa iasa. Se vede clar ca foloseste liniile X3-ului (care mie nu imi place). In terciul asta mai intra elementele rotunde japo-americane, ca masina e facuta mai mult pentru US.

Asa ca peste vreo 10 ani, cand benzina pentru o luna o sa fie mai scumpa decat masina eu voi cumpara un X5 '2005.


Off-topic: Ce se mai aude de G-Klasse. Va avea aceeasi soarta?

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m-am mai uitat o data la poze...si daca e sa ne luam dupa documentarul despre seria 6, masina asta arata ca alea initiale, de teste, care mai sufera modificari de imagine.


oricum x5-ul nu este o masina care sa imi placa (la aspect ma refer, altfel nu stiu cum e), dar sper sa avem un rezultat final mai aratos... :blink:

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  • 4 months later...

Fiecare noua aparitie semnata Chris Bangle a socat... poate la inceput nu ne-a placut dar ne obisnuim si incepe sa ne placa, nu? Mie a inceput sa-mi placa chiar si seria 1, X3-ul nu, dar... poate-poate :blink:

3-ul e superb, 5-ul la fel, 7 la fel, seria 6 e poate una dintre cele mai frumoase masini facute vreodata...

Seria 7 e cea mai bine vanduta masina din clasa ei in USA si Germania si per total vanzarile BMW au crescut cu mult de cand si-a inceput Bangle 'misiunea'.

Nu vad cum Bangle ar vrea sa 'distruga BMW de tot' cand face exact opusul...

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