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P0013 : "B" Camshaft Position - Actuator Circuit (Bank 1)


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Salut prieteni,


Am un 318i E46 2002, si imi tot face probleme. In mers, mi s-au aprins vreo 4 martori in bord, nu am retinut clar care, (DSC am retinut doar) dupa care s-au stins. Imediat a picat radio, a mai mers un pic si s-au aprins iar acei martori, plus EML, si nu mai tragea deloc. Am tras pe dreapta, am oprit motorul si am pornit iar, totul normal. EML e prima data cand se aprinde, dar faza cu acei martori s-a intamplat mai des, pica si tensiunea, radioul nu mai merge si farurile lumineaza f slab. Apoi isi revine, si totul e normal.

Am un OBD Bluetooth, si am pus sa citeasca erorile prin aplicatia de Android. Singura eroare: P0013: "B" Camshaft Position - Actuator Circuit (Bank 1).

Am dat sa citeasca de mai multe ori, fara sa sterg erorile, dar nu a mai aparut nici macar asta apoi. Acum mi-e frica sa mai plec la drum lung cu ea, pentru ca desi merge "ceas", asa mergea si inainte sa apara erorile...

Stiu ca am explicat ca un psiholog, dar daca are cineva habar care ar putea fi problema, as fi recunoscator pentru informatii.

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P0013 code is generic and applies to all makes of vehicles. This DTC refers to the VVT (variable valve timing) or VCT (variable camshaft timing) components and the car's PCM (powertrain control module). That consists of an oil control valve (OCV), also called a solenoid valve and other components. This source says it best: The camshaft position (CMP) actuator is controlled by the powertrain control module (PCM) through a high control circuit and a low reference circuit. The high control circuit carries a 12 volt pulse width modulated (PWM) signal from the PCM to the CMP actuator solenoid in order to control the amount of engine oil flow to the cam phaser. The low reference circuit is used as a return circuit. The PCM has the ability to monitor the functionality of the high control and the low reference circuit. If the PCM detects an open, a short to ground, or a short to voltage, DTC P0013 sets. The "B" camshaft refers to the exhaust, right, or rear camshaft (looking at the engine from the drivers seat). Bank 1 refers to the side of the engine that contains cylinder #1.



code P0013 may mean that one or more of the following has happened: Faulty oil control valve (OCV) Open or short in the OCV / solenoid valve Damaged computer (PCM)

Edited by thekid
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