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DSC aprins- steering angle error


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Salut tuturor.in weekend am zis sa fac un schimb de bascule + bucsile de la bascule, si daca tor eram acolo i-am spus mecanicului sa imi umble si la coloana de directie , sa o aducem la mijloc pentru ca vazusem cand am schimbat volanul ca nu respecta semnul acela de pozitionare corrcta a volanului. Dupa aceasta minunata interventie , martorul dsc si cel frana de mana galben aprinse. :( cu Bmwscaneer imi apare o eroare gen steering angle signal not plausible, offset. Am incercat sa l calibrez cu DIS dar fara niciun rezultat.

Ma poate ajuta cnv cu un sfat? Am tot mutat volanul in diferite pozitii dar nimic, dupa ceva km tot se aprind cei 2 martori. :( Sau ma poate indruma catre cineva? Masina este un bmw e46 coupe 2002 , ex motor 2,0 valvetronic , actual motor 2,5 m52 170 cp.

multumesc anticipat. :(



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Nu e rupt nimic si nu e nimic grav. Asa am patit si eu cand am schimbat bieleta la directie. Mergi si fa-i unghiul si sa-ti calibreze volanul (sa stea drept) apoi din tester iti da o resetare. E simpla treaba. Eu aveam si DTC, si FTM aprinse. Neaparat sa puna cumpana in interiorul volanului sa fie drept ca prima data nu a pus-o la mine si nu a mers, abia a doua oara a reusit.
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vezi cat de util it poate fi asta:




In order to function, the DSC system requires the overall steering wheel angle. The overall steering wheel angle is measured by the steering angle sensor. As the software could not be accommodated on the DSC control unit for reasons of processor capacity, a separate control unit with its own fault memory has been developed.

Arrangement in vehicle


The steering angle sensor is mounted on the steering shaft.

Operating principle


The steering-angle sensor has two potentiometers offset by 90°. The steering-wheel angle determined by these two potentiometers covers one full steering-wheel turn; each of these values is repeated after +/- 180°. The steering angle sensor knows this and counts the steering-wheel revolutions accordingly. The overall steering wheel angle is thus made up of the current steering wheel angle together with the number of steering wheel rotations. In order that the overall steering wheel angle is available at any time, uninterrupted detection of all steering wheel movements - even when the vehicle is stationary - is required. In order to achieve this, the steering angle sensor is permanently supplied with power from Terminal 30.This means that steering-wheel movements are also detected with ”ignition off”. The steering angle detected by the potentiometers remains available even after interruptions to the power supply; the number of steering wheel revolutions, however, is not. In order that the steering angle sensor remains functional after power supply interruptions, software that calculates the number of steering wheel rotations on the basis of the speed of rotation of the road wheels (and, on some models, the steering wheel being turned from lock to lock) has been integrated. This process is referred to as initialization or imposition. If imposition does not succeed by the time a speed of approx. 20 km/h is reached from a standing start, the DSC is switched to passive mode, the DSC warning lamp comes on, and a fault is recorded on the DSC control unit. The imposition process is performed whenever the ignition is switched on if the number of steering wheel revolutions is not available. Four-wheel drive vehicles are an exception to this rule: The DSC system is immediately switched to passive mode and a fault entered in the DSC control unit memory if there has been an interruption in the power supply to the steering angle sensor. In contrast with conventional-drive vehicles, the imposition process is then not aborted on reaching a specific road speed, but rather continued until the DSC is receiving correct steering angle data. At that point, the DSC warning light goes out and the DSC is operational again. In both cases, there is no fault recorded on the steering angle sensor. As an additional safety measure, the DSC control unit calculates the steering angle on the basis of the speed of the road wheels and compares it with the information supplied by the steering angle sensor. This plausibility check prevents the vehicle operating on the basis of incorrect calibration. An incorrect zero position can result from incorrect calibration or alteration of the steering geometry as a result of damage or repairs. Another safety factor is precise assignment of sensor to vehicle. During calibration, the VIN number is stored in the EEPROM and then compared with the VIN number received from the instrument cluster whenever the ignition is switched on.

Replacing the steering-angle sensor


After replacing the steering-angle sensor, it must first be coded and then calibrated using the ABS/DSC diagnostic program.



In order to perform its internal calculations, the steering angle sensor requires model-specific data which has to be loaded onto it by means of coding.



Calibration permanently stores the current steering wheel position as the straight-ahead position in the steering angle sensor EEPROM. Therefore, the front wheels and the steering wheel must be set exactly to the straight-ahead position before calibration. In addition, the vehicle identification number is also read from the instrument cluster and stored permanently in the steering angle sensor EEPROM. On successful completion of calibration, the steering angle sensor fault memory is automatically cleared.


Calibration must always be carried out after the following operations:

Replacement of the steering-angle sensor

Replacement of the DSC control unit

Adjustment work on the steering-angle geometry

Any work on the steering or front suspension

Voltage supply


The steering angle sensor is permanently supplied with power from Terminal 30 which also has its own fuse. In addition, the steering angle sensor also receives a power supply from Terminal 87 or, depending on model, from Terminal 15. This supply is brought via a different fuse.

Frequency counter:

When a fault is detected after ”ignition off” the frequency counter is incremented upwards by ”1”. The maximum value is ”31”.

If the fault no longer occurs during the next trip, the frequency counter is reduced by ”1”. The minimum value is ”0”.



sursa de pe site al X5 - lui


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multumesc bimmer. Am citit pdf ul acesta de dimineata, de aceea o sa mai incerc odata cu INPA sa il calibrez. Cu DIS ul imi aparea Test Schedule grey , nu puteam sa i dau execute.

Nu am mers toata perioada craciunului cu "pomul de craciun " in bord si merg acum ( poate masina mea e pe timpul chinezesc , ca zilele aceastea a fost anul nou la ei) :))))

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  • 2 years later...

Resuscitez un post vechi, ĂŽn ideea ca poate fi de ajutor. Am ĂŽnteles ca aprinderea ĂŽn galben a celor doua becuri (frana + DSC) e o problema destul de frecventa.

Eu am rezolvat-o facând calibrarea directiei, În felul urmator:

Mai Întâi pui contactul, (În prima pozitie, se aprind accesoriile, dar motorul e oprit).

Tragi de volan la maxim stânga, apoi maxim dreapta (o sa fie mai greu pentru ca nu functioneaza servodirectia, motorul fiind oprit).

Dupa care readuci rotile ĂŽn pozitia normala.

Ănchizi contactul de tot, apoi repornesti motorul.

Eroarea a disparut. :rolleyes:

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