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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

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Colegul neospazz ti-a sugerat ce sa schimbi, tu intrebai de ce mereu iti intrerupe motorul in acelasi loc, adica dupa 3 km.Senzorul de pe vibrochen ,lucreaza impreuna cu senzorul de pe axa cu came, amandoi trimit impulsuri catre Ecu, este comun si cand pornesti masina si cand motorul ar trebui sa mearga normal
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ce firma a fost senzorul?



Colegul neospazz ti-a sugerat ce sa schimbi, tu intrebai de ce mereu iti intrerupe motorul in acelasi loc, adica dupa 3 km.Senzorul de pe vibrochen ,lucreaza impreuna cu senzorul de pe axa cu came, amandoi trimit impulsuri catre Ecu, este comun si cand pornesti masina si cand motorul ar trebui sa mearga normal

Colegul neospazz nu mi-a sugerat ce sa schimb,el doar si-a dat cu parerea la initiatorul acestui topic,de altfel foarte corect.eu mi-am expus problema ,precum si rezolvarea ei.multumesc

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si unde e diferenta? :popcorn:



"OE = Original Equipment - exactly what is used on the assembly lines when your car was made. Parts were made by the exact same manufacturer, to BMW's specifications, and are usually stamped with the BMW logo. These parts must also meet all the BMW quality control specs for that part, same as any part that's accepted into the production process.


OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer - parts are made by a manufacturer that supplies original parts to BMW. These parts do not have to pass the BMW quality control tests for that part, and do not have the BMW logo on them. Quality of these parts can vary greatly - they can range between the exact same part as the one that's put on the car on the production line (but minus the BMW logo...), to something that wasn't good enough to pass quality control, so the manufacturer just sells them as OEM. Another issue - the part may be made by a manufacturer that supplies parts to BMW, but that part may not be a part that particular manufacturer supplies. For example, ZKW may supply some of the OE lights to BMW. However, if they felt like it, they could manufacturer suspension components, and label them "OEM" - after all, they are an Original Equipment manufacturer, just not for suspension components.


Aftermarket - anything goes."

Edited by manole2000
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