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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

F20 116d 2012


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Daca e cineva interesat de o masina cu un raport calitate/pret foarte bun pentru momentul de fata, vand seria 1 F20 diesel, testat si servisat la zi.


Masina inainte de vanzare a fost testata, lucru care il voi face din nou de fata cu clientul, in reprezentanta sau alt service, pe costurile mele daca se cumpara masina.



Se vinde cu carte service, certificat de autenticitate, carte de identitate R.A.R, contract de vanzare-cumparare si certificat fiscal in aceeasi zi.


Revizii efectuate in reprezentanta :

29.650 km / 30.08.2012

62.698 km / 05.08.2013

96.895 km / 28.07.2014

129.515 km / 03.09.2015


Momentan in bord are 145000 km. 0 km rulati in Romania.


Vehicle Identification Number WBA1C71070E961116

Type 1C71

Model 116d - EUR

Development Code F20

Chassis SH

Steering LL

Doors 5

Engine N47T

Displacement 2.00

Power 85

Drivetrain HECK

Transmission MECH

Color Tiefseeblau Metallic - A76

Upholstery Stoff Move/anthrazit - BDAT

Production Plant REGENSBURG

Production Date 2011-10-08



4CG Int.strip Satinsilver Int.leisten Satinsilber Matt

4U2 Driving Experience Control Incl. Ec Fahrerlebnisschalter Inkl. Eco Pro

548 Speedometer With Kilometer Reading Kilometertacho


1CA Selection Cop Relevant Vehicles Selektion Cop Relevanter Fahrzeuge

216 Servotronic Servotronic

230 Eu Specific Additional Equipment Eu Spezifische Zusatzumfaenge

240 Leather Steering Wheel Lederlenkrad

249 Multi-function For Steering Wheel Multifunktion Fuer Lenkrad

4AE Armrest Front Retractable Armauflage Vorne Verschiebbar

431 Interior Rr Vw Mirror W Aut Anti-d Innenspiegel,automatisch Abblendend

441 Smokers Package Raucherpaket

5DC Folding Rear-seat Headrests Fondkopfstuetzen Klappbar

507 Park Distance Control (pdc) Park Distance Control (pdc)

520 Foglights Nebelscheinwerfer

521 Rain Sensor Regensensor

544 Cruise Control With Braking Function Geschwindigkeitsregel. Mit Bremsf.

698 Area-code 2 Area-code 2

7VD Visibility Package Sicht Paket

8KA Oelservice Int. 30.000 Km/24 Months Oelwartungsint. 30.000km/24monate

8SC Country Spec. Release Of Teleservice Laenderspez. Teleservicefreisch.

8SM Vin, Visible From Outside Fahrgestellnummer,v.aussen Sichtbar

8S3 Automatic Lock When Driving Away Autom. Verriegelung Beim Anfahren

8V1 Ncap Label Hinweisschild Ncap

854 Language Version French Sprachversion Franzoesisch

881 French / On-board Documentation Franzoesisch / Bordliteratur






http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/47279/1fc4e4472782590.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/47279/92307e472782620.jpg http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/47279/5299a7472782733.jpg http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/47279/3dfdd1472782778.jpg http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/47279/5f3e65472782838.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/47279/f4f2d2472782889.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/47279/8fb104472782990.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/47279/5cd33e472783029.jpg http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/47279/2b3841472783039.jpg http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/47279/2f0d0e472783048.jpg

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Un mic ajutor pentru credibilitate inca din fata monitorului pentru un viitor cumparator, se observa in documentul atasat km pe care masina ii avea cand a fost vanduta de KBC Autolease.

Daca avea motorul de 1600cmc ma interesa foarte tare pentru sotie si oras.

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Un mic ajutor pentru credibilitate inca din fata monitorului pentru un viitor cumparator, se observa in documentul atasat km pe care masina ii avea cand a fost vanduta de KBC Autolease.

Daca avea motorul de 1600cmc ma interesa foarte tare pentru sotie si oras.



Si de ce nu e ok cel de 2.000? E acelasi motor ca pe 118d, doar limitat electronic. E doar o curiozitate, are ceva special cel de 1600?

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Si de ce nu e ok cel de 2.000? E acelasi motor ca pe 118d, doar limitat electronic. E doar o curiozitate, are ceva special cel de 1600?

Lipsa problema distributie(este un 1.6hdi parca) si pentru 4 ani cat va fi pastrata diferenta intre 1600cmc si 2000cmc este in jur de 1500 euro in plus pentru cel de 2000cmc, o mare pondere in suma o are diferenta la casco intre 1600 si 2000cmc, si nu am inclus un eventual schimb distributie pentru n47.

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