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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Eroare meniu ascuns F10 520d


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Salutare ! In primul rand tin sa va salut pe toti intrucat sunt nou pe forum ! Acum vine si prima mea intrebare :D ....am achizitionat de curand un BMW 520d 2011 si sunt super incantat de masina deocamdata , insa astazi dupa cateva vizionari pe youtube am decis sa intru in meniul ascuns si sa imi bag nasul pe acolo si am descoperit la Erori urmatoarea eroare E12C03 ! Poate sa ma lumineze si pe mine cineva ? Am rascolit google'ul fara nici un rezultat . Atasez si o poza cu eroarea ! Multumesc !post-77163-14590046306967_thumb.jpg


Sent from my X15 using Tapatalk

Edited by LSerban
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Fault descriptionRight fuel level sensor: short circuit to B+


The instrument cluster receives the resistance values of the fuel level sensors from the JBE / REM / BDC control unit in the form of a CAN message.


A short circuit to B+ is detected if the received resistance value is greater than the defined fault limit value.


Condition for fault identificationVoltage: 6 V to 16 V


Terminal 15 on


The production mode, transport mode and workshop mode must be deactivated.


Condition for fault memory entryFault code entry after 25 seconds.


Action in serviceThe fault code entry is redundant in relation to the corresponding fault code entry in the JBE / REM / BDC control unit.




Different cases:


  1. If the corresponding fault relating to the fuel level sensor is stored in the JBE / REM / BDC control unit, troubleshooting must be continued for this fault. The test module for the fuel gauge must be processed in accordance with the test plan.
  2. If there is no corresponding fault stored in the JBE / REM / BDC control unit, check whether there was an undervoltage problem. Unlike the JBE / REM / BDC control unit, the instrument cluster also logs this fault in the case of undervoltage. The fault can be deleted if an undervoltage problem has occurred. No further measures are then necessary.
  3. If none of these conditions apply and there are still complaints relating to the fuel gauge, work through the test module for the fuel gauge as per the test plan.

Fault effect and breakdown warningFuel gauge and range implausible.


Driver informationNo


Service instructionThis fault can also occur in the case of undervoltage. In this case, the ambient conditions must be taken into consideration.



Oricum eroarea nu mai este de actualitate, s-a manifestat la 9111 mile.

Edited by mase
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Fault descriptionRight fuel level sensor: short circuit to B+


The instrument cluster receives the resistance values of the fuel level sensors from the JBE / REM / BDC control unit in the form of a CAN message.


A short circuit to B+ is detected if the received resistance value is greater than the defined fault limit value.


Condition for fault identificationVoltage: 6 V to 16 V


Terminal 15 on


The production mode, transport mode and workshop mode must be deactivated.


Condition for fault memory entryFault code entry after 25 seconds.


Action in serviceThe fault code entry is redundant in relation to the corresponding fault code entry in the JBE / REM / BDC control unit.




Different cases:


  1. If the corresponding fault relating to the fuel level sensor is stored in the JBE / REM / BDC control unit, troubleshooting must be continued for this fault. The test module for the fuel gauge must be processed in accordance with the test plan.
  2. If there is no corresponding fault stored in the JBE / REM / BDC control unit, check whether there was an undervoltage problem. Unlike the JBE / REM / BDC control unit, the instrument cluster also logs this fault in the case of undervoltage. The fault can be deleted if an undervoltage problem has occurred. No further measures are then necessary.
  3. If none of these conditions apply and there are still complaints relating to the fuel gauge, work through the test module for the fuel gauge as per the test plan.

Fault effect and breakdown warningFuel gauge and range implausible.


Driver informationNo


Service instructionThis fault can also occur in the case of undervoltage. In this case, the ambient conditions must be taken into consideration.



Oricum eroarea nu mai este de actualitate, s-a manifestat la 9111 mile.

Thanks for the quick answer ! What it is in fact ....it doesn't affect with nothing the running of the car and you can only see the error in hidden menu ! The only warning that the car give it to me it's regarding the battery wich needs to be replaced ! Like you can see on the photo it says it is not active ..... It is something that i have to worry about it ?


Sent from my X15 using Tapatalk


Fault descriptionRight fuel level sensor: short circuit to B+


The instrument cluster receives the resistance values of the fuel level sensors from the JBE / REM / BDC control unit in the form of a CAN message.


A short circuit to B+ is detected if the received resistance value is greater than the defined fault limit value.


Condition for fault identificationVoltage: 6 V to 16 V


Terminal 15 on


The production mode, transport mode and workshop mode must be deactivated.


Condition for fault memory entryFault code entry after 25 seconds.


Action in serviceThe fault code entry is redundant in relation to the corresponding fault code entry in the JBE / REM / BDC control unit.




Different cases:


  1. If the corresponding fault relating to the fuel level sensor is stored in the JBE / REM / BDC control unit, troubleshooting must be continued for this fault. The test module for the fuel gauge must be processed in accordance with the test plan.
  2. If there is no corresponding fault stored in the JBE / REM / BDC control unit, check whether there was an undervoltage problem. Unlike the JBE / REM / BDC control unit, the instrument cluster also logs this fault in the case of undervoltage. The fault can be deleted if an undervoltage problem has occurred. No further measures are then necessary.
  3. If none of these conditions apply and there are still complaints relating to the fuel gauge, work through the test module for the fuel gauge as per the test plan.

Fault effect and breakdown warningFuel gauge and range implausible.


Driver informationNo


Service instructionThis fault can also occur in the case of undervoltage. In this case, the ambient conditions must be taken into consideration.



Oricum eroarea nu mai este de actualitate, s-a manifestat la 9111 mile.

Scuze , abia acum am vazut finalul la ce ai postat si am observat ca esti roman ! ^_^ Multumesc mult de informatie ! O zi faina !


Sent from my X15 using Tapatalk

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