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Erori e46 320D 110kw


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Am un e46 320D 110kw si la o scanare cu bmw scaner au iesit 4 erori


4296 Lambda probe(rosu)

3FF0 Air flow meeter(galben)

4191 Air charge pressure controler(galben)

44B6 Null set adaptation injector cylinder 3(rosu)




4093 Error path for AccPed and brake plausibility(nv) (galben)


Ca si simptome ar fi ca nu prea trege cat e motorul rece si cand ii dai "talpa" ori trage ori se "taraie"

Eroarea 4, cea cu injectorul a aparut dupa ce am schimbat garnitura de la capac culbutori si a trebuit sa scot injectoarele

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Zero-quantity adaptation Zero-quantity adaptation is the adaptation process that guarantees that a defined pre-injection is available for

each injector after the running-in phase (approx. 1500 km). For the engine to comply with the EURO 4 exhaust emission regulations, the pre-injection quantity, which is

very small, must be precisely metered. Because of the deviation in the injection quantity over the running time, the zero-quantity adaptation is performed

continuously by the DDE control module. For each cylinder, a small quantity of fuel is injected in overrun mode. This quantity is continuously adjusted until

the DDE recognises the required torque. The irregular rotation of the crankshaft is used to calculate the torque.

The irregular rotation is recorded by the crankshaft sensor. The DDE can thus recognise the activation duration from which the respective cylinder starts to work. During

zero-quantity adaptation, the amount of fuel injected is used by the DDE as a correction value for the pre-

injection characteristic map. Zero-quantity adaptation takes place alternately from one cylinder to the next during each overrun phase: • Engine speed: 1500 to 2500 rpm (engine at operating temperature) Zero-quantity adaptation has no effect on fuel consumption, as only a very small amount of fuel (approx. 1 mm 3 ) is injected into each cylinder. Mean quantity adaptation Mean quantity adaptation is the adaptation process in which the fuel-to-air ratio is corrected (partial-load range).

This correction is performed by adjusting the air mass using the exhaust gas recirculation valve. While the injection quantity compensation and zero-quantity compensation do not require additional

components, an oxygen sensor is required for mean quantity adaptation. The oxygen sensor is a broadband

oxygen sensor with continuous characteristic curve. Mean quantity adaptation is not a "quick" adjustment, but rather an intelligent learning process. A lambda error is "learnt" in a characteristic map and is permanently stored in the DDE control unit (EEPROM). The characteristic map must be reset (deleted) in the EEPROM if any of the following components is replaced

Edited by BOASKA
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