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Drivetrain Malfunction F20 116i

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Bine v-am gasit! E primul meu post pe acest forum , sper sa aveti rabdare sa cititi ce scriu mai jos .. incerc sa fiu cat mai detaliat.



Ma confrunt cu o problema la F20-ul meu (116i 2011 N13). La prima pornire (de obicei dimineata) dupa vreo 3-4 min de condus imi apare eroarea "Drivetrain. Continue the journey at a moderate speed.Full performance not available", practic imi intra in limp mode.


Ulterior Opresc / Pornesc motorul din nou .. eroarea dispare , masina mergand perfect. Eroarea apare o singura data pe zi ... doar la prima pornire (am incercat sa gassc un pattern legat de cand/in ce situatie apare dar altul nu gasesc)


Cautand pe net si aici pe forum am dedus ca e o eroare generica ce nu indica exact problema deci logic este necesara o diagnoza.


Fiind din Timisoara am dus masina la Bavaria si mi-au spus ca primul pas pentru rezolvarea problemei ar fi o updatare a softului din ECU , fiind foarte putin probabil ca eroarea sa mai apara.


Dupa 3 zile de la iesirea din service mi-a aparut din nou , singura diferenta fata perioada dinaintea updateului fiind faptul ca acum uneori imi dispare eroarea din mers neffind necesar in toate situatiile sa repornesc motorul.


Am achizitionat adaptorul Carly + app-ul de IOS si indata ce mi-a aparut din nou eroarea l-am conectat la OBD2 si am facut o diagnoza cu urmatoarele rezultate:



Prima zi de la achizitionarea adaptorului / Prima diagnoza:


Engine / Motor:
- Fault: VANOS, outlet: control error, position not reached
- Code: 130308
- Fault: Charge pressure control, shutdown: pressure build-locked
- Code: 120408



Clear error codes urmand:



A 2-a zi de la achizitionarea adaptorului / A 2-a diagnoza:


Engine / Motor:
- Fault: Exhaust: angular offset to the crankshaft out of tolerance
- Code: 130F20
- Fault: Charge pressure control, shutdown: pressure build-locked
- Code: 120408



Am gasit buletinele de service bmw de prin 2013/2014 care indica ce-i drept la alte motoare insa cu aceleasi erori urmatoarele:



VANOS, outlet: control error, position not reached


One, or both (intake and/or exhaust) of the VANOS gear assemblies have failed; the attaching bolts may have also
loosened and/or broken.

1. Replace both VANOS gear assemblies. Refer to Repair Instruction 11 36 046, “Removing and installing or
replacing intake and exhaust camshaft units.”
2. If the bolts have been found broken, the missing portions of the bolts will need to be retrieved from the engine
before the finalrepairs are made. This additional work may include removing the engine oil pan, and a close
examination of the timing chain drive to retrieve the missing parts. Refer to the applicable repair instructions for
oil pan removal procedures.



Exhaust: angular offset to the crankshaft out of tolerance


The Service Engine Soon (MIL) is on and the engine could go into a reduced power mode with the
“Drivetrain Malfunction” message displayed.
One or more of the VANOS faults listed in the attachment are stored in the DME, although the engine is
mechanically sound and no unusual noises can be heard from the VANOS area.
These control faults relate to implausible camshaft position (intake or exhaust), the camshaft stuck situation,
or the camshaft angle offset to crankshaft outside the tolerance range.

Due to unfavorable Engine Position Management (EPM) parameters in the DME software, various VANOS
control faults could be set.

Perform the recommended test plans using the latest version of ISTA/D. Correct any VANOS hardware issues
found, as indicated by the test plan.
After performing necessary repairs, or in case the ISTA test plan is inconclusive, program the vehicle using
the latest version of ISTA/P.


Consultantul de la service a fost destul de amabil si m-a informat ca astfel de erori sunt destul de greu de diagnosticat si sunt necesari niste pasi care trebuie urmati, primul fiind update-ul de soft urmand daca mai apare sa facem investigatii suplimentare.




Din cele scrise mai sus puteti sa va dati seama cam care ar fi problema ? ... macar sa o restrangem la cateva posibile cauze.



Tot primesc sfaturi de la persoane cu mai multa experienta sa evit reprezentanta "Te vor usca de bani pana iti rezolva .. resoftare .. apoi iti schimba x ... apoi iara apare ... iti schimba y" etc ...


Ce ma sfatuiti sa fac mai departe ?




Mersi frumos,


Edited by Claudiu.
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