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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

ISTA v4.01.22

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Am bifat tot ce e posibil am cautat tot pe internet nimic.... Am vazut ca mufa mea nu are bridge pe pinul 7 si 8 am sa incerc sa le pun un fir sa vad daca merge asa

Aaa , credeam ca ai facut cablu . Din cauza aia atuncea

Si eu am cablu cu intrerupator pac si pac

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Rheingold (Standalone) v4.01.22


ISTA-D- Download


SQLiteDBs (baza de date)- Download


Tools- Download

Pentru a dezarhiva SQLiteDBs aveti nevoie de 7zip





1. Install .Net Framework 4.5.2 version and up, from Microsoft

2. Install Java.

3. Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010/2013 Redistributable Package x86/x64 from Microsoft for your language in Windows.

*** for computer x86:

- vs90_piaredist

- vcredist_x86_2005

- vcredist_x86_2008

- vcredist_x86_2010

- vcredist_x86_2012

- vcredist_x86_2013

- vcredist_x86_2015


*** for computer x64:

- vs90_piaredist

- vcredist_x64_2005

- vcredist_x64_2008

- vcredist_x64_2010

- vcredist_x64_2012

- vcredist_x64_2013

- vcredist_x64_2015

If the system is x64, vcredist must install and x86 and x64, otherwise not start Rheingold.

4. Install Ediabas 7.3

5. Unblock archive if necessary. It is important to not skip this step! Unblock file, uncheck Attributes - Read-only. Then unzip.

6. Unzip to any directory, for example: C:\Rheingold, D:\Rheingold, E:\Rheingold..., C:\Program Files\, C:\Program Files (x86) - this folder for 64bit computers. You can run from USB stick too.

7. Unzip and copy SQLiteDBs in Rheingold\SQLiteDBs\

8. Add additional languages if necessary in SQLiteDBs

9. Start RCleaner. Run as administrator.

10. Apply ISTA-D Reg Fix bit for your system from the Tools folder.

11. Start Rheingold (...\Rheingold\TesterGUI\bin\Release\ISTAGUI.exe) Run as administrator.

12. Enter the license key from the license.txt, if ask.

13. Enter 1 in the field of ISIS, ignore the error.

In folderul SQLiteDBs dupa dezarhivare rezulta alte patru arhive si acelea trebuie dezarhivate si apoi copiate in folderul C:\Program Files (x86) Rheingold\SQLiteDBs ?

Multumesc !!!

Edited by ///CRISS///
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On 29.09.2016 at 17:39, six in line said:



ISTA sau ISTA/P (programare) este softul de diagnosticare pentru BMW de la BMW. Este cel mai complet soft si vede cele mai multe coduri de eroare fata de orice alt soft de pe piata. Dupa ISTA, mai ai NCS EXPERT, CARLY, etc. Alea multi marca sunt cam superficiale si rareori vad toate erorile. Recomand ISTA oricarui detinator de BMW.

Salut! Ma poti ajuta cu un link de unde pot descarca programul ista??? Multumesc anticipat!

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