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BMW Business 2016/2017 custom map converted from Mercedes NTG2 navigation system

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BMW Business 2016/2017 custom map converted

from Mercedes NTG2 navigation system


This is a BMW Business 2016/2017 Custom Map converted from Mercedes Navigation Map

(Update Comand APS NTG 2 2016/2017 Europa Version 18.0 A 1698270200)


This DVD is filled to the brim with navigation data for 39 countries in Europe,

with streets and roads, towns, villages and countless useful places:

Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,

Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Great Britain,

Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia,

Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia and Montenegro,

Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Vatican City.


With version 2016/2017 has digitized all of Western Europe.

2016/2017 version includes more than 8.3 million road kilometers across Europe.


In Eastern Europe, all countries fully digitized, with the exception of Albania,

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia.


In the following countries the detailed road network is further digitized:

Albania: +58%

Bosnia and Herzegovina: + 65%

Bulgaria: + 8%

Macedonia: +55%

Serbia: + 10%


With version 2016/2017 can navigate to more than 738,000 towns and city.


The ability to precisely navigate to the desired number, are extensive.

The house numbers in central and northern Europe have largely been fully digitized and

coverage has improved in the following countries:

Czech Republic: + 56%

Poland: + 1%

Serbia: + 1%

Slovakia: + 47%


Compatible Car Models:

1er (E81 / E82 / E87 / E88) (SA 606) till 09/2009

3er (E90 / E91 / E92 / E93) (SA 606) till 09/2009

5er (E60 / E61) (SA 606) till 05/2010

6er (E63 / E64) (SA 606) till 05/2010

X5 (E70) (SA 606)

X6 (E71) (SA 606)


Languages (voice and information):

German - English - French - Italian - Dutch - Portuguese - Spanish



Burn on Verbatim DVD+R 4,7 GB with ImgBurn (1x or slowest)!



Decryption key: !TaI8BJBV3A268IQqO8LURQ

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Nu merge.Bag codul,imi apare fereastra cu filele rar,dau descarca pe unul din fisierele rar (descarca standart sau descarca ca zip) si imi apare o fereastra cu cota de latime pt. banda depasita si ma pune sa-mi fac cont pe Mega.
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Buna seara! Eu intampin o problema mai delicata, am descarcat fisierele, am scris img. cu nero pe un Dvd 8,5 gb vit. x2 , dar cand l-am inserat in masina imi scrie pe display "Medium cannot be read" aveti idee unde am gresit?! Multumesc.


Masina sa fie an 2007 , si dvd se scrie cu img burn 2 x

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nu pot edita postul de deasupra, asa ca o sa scriu un altul :D.


am descarcat si ars DVD-ul, si totul merge foarte bine. nu pot sa va zic care e diferenta si da avantajele acestei harti in comparatie cu cea de anul trecut ( spre exemplu strada mea inca nu are un nume pe harta aia, si stau in Italia ) dar indata ce am o verific pe strada o sa revin cu pareri.


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Nu pot edita postul de deasupra, asa ca o sa scriu un altul :D.


am descarcat si ars DVD-ul, si totul merge foarte bine. nu pot sa va zic care e diferenta si da avantajele acestei harti in comparatie cu cea de anul trecut ( spre exemplu strada mea inca nu are un nume pe harta aia, si stau in Italia ) dar indata ce am o verific pe strada o sa revin cu pareri.



Am vazut ca esti la Bergamo, eventual ma poti ajuta si pe mine sa fac update? Am descarcat deja fisierele. :mellow:

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