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BMW e60 lci 520d M packet edition


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Salutare tuturor! In august am vandut fosta masina,respectiv 520dA M47 2007,iar la scurt timp am gasit o masina destul de dotata zic eu,singurul inconvenient daca pot spune asa e cutia manuala,insa m-am obisnuit rapid cu aceasta.


Este vorba de un e60 LCI 2008 520d 177cp n47 M packet de la mama lui. Masina e foarte inchegata,ma incanta tinuta de drum a suspensiei M packet. Un mare plus al acestui motor este consumul,mai ales in exterior unde am cam 4,5-5,in oras de la 7,5 la 9. Problemele intampinate de la achizitie a fost ambreiajul,motiv pentru care l-am schimbat - Luk. In rest,in urma verificarii efectuate la service totul este ok.Motorul suna foarte bine,fara zgomote suspecte. Masina are 258k km. In momentul achizitiei aceasta prezenta imperfectiuni pe mai multe elemente,motiv pentru care am vopsit-o integral in culoarea Black Bmw 668.


Mai jos postez lista optionalelor,urmand sa urc si niste poze.


VIN WBANX31090C089273

Prod. Date 2008-07-14

Mileage Check mileage and service history

Type code NX31

Type 520D OL (EUR)

Series E60 (5 Series)

Body Type LIM

Steering LHD

Engine N47

Displacement 2.00

Power 130kw / 177hp

Drive HECK

Transmission Manual




S1CBA CO2 package

S217A Active steering

S2NNA BMW alloy wheel, M double spoke 172

S300A Emergency spare wheel

S302A Alarm system

S320A Deleted, model lettering

S323A Soft-Close-Automatic doors

S403A Glass roof, electrical

S415A Sun-blind, rear

S416A Roller sun vizor, rear lateral

S423A Floor mats, velours

S428A Warning triangle and first aid kit

S430A Interioroutside mirror with auto dip

S431A Interior mirror with automatic-dip

S437A Fine wood trim

S442A Cup holder

S459A Seat adjuster, electric, with memory

S465A Through-loading system

S481A Sports seat

S494A Seat heating driverpassenger

S496A Seat heating, rear

S502A Headlight cleaning system

S508A Park Distance Control (PDC)

S522A Xenon Light

S524A Adaptive Headlights

S534A Automatic air conditioning

S544A Cruise control with brake function

S563A Light package

S5ACA High-beam assistant

S5ADA Lane departure warning

S609A Navigation system Professional

S610A Head-up display

S612A BMW Assist

S616A BMW Online

S620A Voice control

S633A Preparation, mobile phone, Business

S676A HiFi speaker system

S698A Area-Code 2 for DVD

S6AAA BMW TeleServices

S6ABA Control for Teleservices

S6FLA USBAudio interface

S6VAA CIC-Zusteuerung

S704A M Sports suspension

S710A M leather steering wheel

S715A M Aerodynamics package

S760A High gloss shadow line

S761A Individual sunshade glazing

S775A Headlining anthracite

P7MFA Sports Edition

S7SPA Nav Professionalcellph. prep. Bluetooth

L801A National version Germany

S863A Retailer Directory Europe

S879A On-board vehicle literature German

S8S8A Country-specific nav. system supply

S8SAA Navigation access request,country-spec.

S8SCA Telematics access request,country-spec.

S8SPA Control unit COP

S936A Dummy-SALAPA

S9AAA Outer skin protection

Standard Equipment

S548A Kilometer-calibrated speedometer

S851A Language version German

Edited by Cristian.O
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Pe spate si luneta geamurile sunt privacy,motiv pentru care pe fata am montat folie 50% sa le uniformizez,zic eu ca au iesit ok. Jantele de vara sunt style 218 19",pastrate de la cealalta masina,iar de iarna style 138 cred.



Cam astea le am


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  On 11/21/2016 at 1:09 PM, chitsro said:

Arata f bine, sa te bucuri de ea! Cum difera N47 fata de m47 ca feeling, acceleratie?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Multumesc!nu pot spune ca sunt diferente de acceleratie,e tot motor de 2l,puteri apropiate. Poate n47 e usor mai silentios.

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Multumesc tuturor! Eu ziceam la condusul normal,de zi cu zi,nu simt diferente majore. Clar ca dupa cifre n47 are putin avantaj,insa eu am fost foarte multumit si de m47.


  On 11/21/2016 at 6:08 PM, Fane Satar said:

Sa o stapanesti sanatos! Cat mai costa un vopsit integral?

Mersi. Ai pm

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Multumesc baieti!voi incerca sa o intretin cat mai bine, asa cum merita un e60 :)


La vreo doua saptamani dupa ce am scos-o de la vopsit i-am aplicat doua straturi Jetseal CG pentru protectie pe timpul iernii,iar la primavara va primi un detailing profi si o curatare interioara.


Legat de faptul ca e manuala,pot spune ca m-am obisnuit destul de repede,fiind foarte placuta la condus. In viitorul apropiat intentionez sa o resoftez,avand avantajul ca nu trebuie limitata valoarea cuplului ca la aufomata.

Edited by Cristian.O
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