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Pompa servodirectie E90 320i

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Aseara am mers cu masina (E90 320i) intr-un loc cu strat subtire de zapada pe jos si am facut 3-4 cerculete, nu mai facusem lucrul acesta niciodata si eram curios de feeling.

Dupa al 4-lea cerculet, se misca foarte greu volanul la viraj, am ridicat capota si tot uleiul de la servodirectie era curs in compartimentul motorului, pe scut.

Astazi am fost cu ea la service, iar verdictul este pompa de servodirectie defecta, mai exact semeringul de etansare al axului care angreneaza pompa de apa.

Sunt curios daca aceste pompe sunt chiar atat de sensibile sau am fost eu ghinionist (idiot) si acesta este doar un caz izolat.

Mentionez ca inainte de distractia care a durat maxim 4 minute, am incalzit masina corespunzator.

Edited by PREDATOR1
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  • 2 weeks later...

Se pare ca a fost exclusiv vina mea si s-a intamplat exact ce scrie mai jos. Am gasit pe un forum strain:


"Wow, I must post in this thread. Let me explain.


I worked as a power steering engineer at Chrysler (the Auburn Hills Tech Center) from 1999 - 2008, when I took the buyout package and went to work for a supplier, also in power steering. Thus, I know this issue all too well.


What happens is, when you hold the steering wheel on the lock, you deadhead the pump. This sends it into what we call "pressure relief". There is a little valve inside the pump that opens up at 1690 psi (in this vehicle), causing all of the flow generated by the pump to be recirculated inside the pump. The fluid doesn't leave the pump in this condition, it just recirculates inside. Since the pump is a positive displacement pump (9.6cc in this case), the total flow generated is proportional to rpm. The heat generated is essentially pressure times flow. Thus, during pressure relief, all of the flow is recirculated and it doesn't get cooled. At idle, it can stay in pressure relief for a pretty long time without damage. However, at high rpm, the fluid gets VERY hot, VERY fast. It doesn't take long at all to kill the pump in that situation.


That's what happens when doing donut's / drifts. High rpm at steering lock = deadly to a pump. We knew about it at Chrysler and had seen it here and there, but since MOST customers don't do that, spending time and money on a solution wasn't justified."


Sursa: http://www.chargerforums.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-48411.html

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