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BMW ar putea cumpara Volvo


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  • 5 weeks later...

Intrucat in ultima vreme am sub picior un Volvo, si in inima un BMW :), printre stirile care mi-au captat atentia se afla una interesanta, cum ca BMW ar fi interesat sa preia de la concernul Ford brandul Volvo.


Acesta se afla in curtea celor de la Ford din 1999. Cum Ford se confrunta cu pierderi serioase, se pare ca va trebui sa renunte la mai multe subsidiare.


http://www.bimmerpost.com/home/?p=14 :


BMW is reportedly interested in buying out Volvo.


Autocar says BMW seriously considered taking Volvo off of Ford’s hands earlier this year, going so far as to request financial data about the company.


This brings up the questions of how would BMW position Volvo next to its own brand, they seemingly fill a very similar market position, with similar quality and priced products. Would platforms be shared in order to save costs? Would we see older BMW chasis being used to create new Volvos? It would be very difficult to tell what the grand plan would be.


On the Ford side of the equation, i’m sure they would be more then happy to sell the brand, even though it is one of their only profitable units, however the story might be different on the BMW side.


Our personal opinion is this: the latest BMW CS concept has some similarities in body lines to the newest Volvo XC concepts and that was the little kickoff point that the european auto-journalists needed to start up some wild rumors. The BMW powers that be have already been so shaken by the failed buying out of the Rover brand, and the associated loss of treasure and prestige with the debacle that they will be very hesitant to take on another brand for a good time. That combined with the fact that BMW is preparing a whole slew of new niche models, they seem to have things maxed out for the time being.


Cert este ca in curtea Ford, preocupati doar de reduceri de costuri in detrimentul calitatii, Volvo ar putea sa piarda multe... La BMW in schimb ar beneficia de upper hand-ul unuia dintre cei mai de seama producatori de masini din lume :blink:

Pe de alta parte Volvo este una din putinele zone in care Ford castiga bani, nu pierde, si de aceea poate nu vor sa renunte...


Aveti ceva info pe tema asta?

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In mai a aparut o desmintire la aceste zvonuri, insa se pare ca a fost de fatada, ca tratativele continua. Articolul din mai:




"Ford dezminte informatiile referitoare la vanzarea Volvo


Constructorul auto american Ford Motor Co. a anuntat marti ca nu poarta discutii referitoare la vanzarea diviziei sale suedeze Volvo, dezmintind informatiile aparute in presa referitoare la o posibila separare de aceasta divizie.


Cotidianul suedez Goteborgs Posten a informat luni ca Ford analizeaza posibila vanzarea a marcii Volvo iar constructorul auto german BMW este interesat sa o cumpere. Acest articol a aparut dupa ce, vineri, Financial Times a anuntat ca BMW a purtat deja discutii informale cu Ford, al doilea constructor auto american, pentru achizitionarea Volvo.


Initial Ford, grup care are nevoie de lichiditati pentru a-si restructura operatiunile din America de Nord care ii provoaca pierderi, a refuzat sa comenteze aceste informatii si marti a dat publicitatii o dezmintire oficiala. 'Ford Motor Company nu poarta discutii cu BMW si nici cu o alta companie in legatura cu vanzarea Volvo Car Corporation. Aceste speculatii au mai aparut si anul trecut, pe masura ce Ford isi reevalueaza operatiunile si portofoliul', se arata in comunicatul constructorului auto american.


Pana la sfarsitul lui 2006, Ford a reusit sa stranga fonduri de aproximativ 23,5 miliarde dolari, punand drept garantie majoritatea activelor sale din America de Nord, inclusiv uzinele si echipamentele. Recent rivalul General Motors Corp. a fost nevoit sa puna drept garantie participatia sa de 49 de procente pe care o detine in fosta sa divizie de servicii financiare pentru a putea obtine un credit de 4,1 miliarde dolari. In plus, GM nu a exclus posibilitatea vanzarii diviziei Allison Transmission pentru a strange fondurile necesare pentru programul de restructurare.


Volvo face parte din divizia Premier Automotive Group care regrupeaza toate marcile de lux detinute de Ford, respectiv Volvo, Jaguar, Aston Martin si Land Rover. Constructorul auto american spera ca aceste marci vor contribui cu o treime la profiturile sale anuale, insa in anul 2005 a fost nevoit sa renunte la acest obiectiv pentru ca in luna martie a acestui an sa vanda Aston Martin pentru 925 milioane dolari.


Analistii de la Merrill Lynch estimeaza ca Ford ar putea sa stranga intre 1,3 si 1,5 miliarde dolari din vanzarea combinata a marcilor Jaguar si Land Rover, in timp ce vanzarea diviziei Volvo ar putea sa ii aduca aproximativ opt miliarde dolari."

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Si mai bag un articol :blink:




Earlier this month, Autocar reported that BMW had expressed significant interest in buying the Volvo brand from Ford Motor Company early in 2007. The report claimed BMW had gone so far as to request financial data about the Swedish automaker.


Yesterday, the Swedish newspaper Goteborgs Posten threw another logo on this rumor's fire by reporting that sources within Ford have confirmed that BMW is exploring the possibility of purchasing Volvo. Another source has even claimed BMW and Ford have already begun informal talks.


Our previous post already touched on all the questions that need answering, including why BMW, which became the go-it-alone automaker after owning Land Rover left a bad taste in its mouth, would jump back into the ownership game. Also, while BMW and Volvo have distinct identities (the Ultimate Driving Machine versus the ultimate safety machine), there would at least be some overlap in their respective lineups.


Finally, while Ford has stated that nothing is sacred when it comes to its Premiere Automotive Group, of which Volvo is a member, why would it sell one of PAG's most promising brands? We have an answer for that one: Volvo's actually worth something. While many, including Ford itself, might hate to see Volvo leave the fold, the Swedish brand would likely catch a premium price on the market and help Ford fund its turnaround.


Would a BMW/Volvo ticket capture the consumer's heart? This armchair analyst is hardly qualified to give an answer, except to say that Volvo is a brand on the verge of some big things (C30 anyone?) and requires a patient parent company with deep enough pockets to see it through.


[source: Reuters]

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  • 1 month later...

Nu te supara, dar asta ai aflat-o azi, sau cand :blink: ? Ca daca o stii de ieri, nu este adevarata. Ai vre-un link, vreun articol, ceva?


Din cunostintele mele, S40 este la nivelul seriei 3, S60 -> serie 5, S80 -> serie 7.


PS - Daca poti citi in viitor, da-mi si mie un PM cu numerele la 6/49 de saptamana viitoare. Facem jumi-juma :)

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