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Amortizor fata(EDC)bmw F10

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Le recondiționează o firma in Polonia. Pentru E70 costa 250 EUR bucata si durează 2-3 zile. Nu repara senzori sau alte chestii electrice, rezolva numai problema mecanica. Aici e răspunsul lor. Pe alte forumuri din Europa si chiar SUA sunt multumiți de rezultate




Thank you for your enquiry.

The price for restoration of shocks from BMW E70 is 250 Euro per unit. The repair lasts around 3-4 days. You receive 2 years guarantee.

Please kindly note that we don't repair the electrical parts in these shocks. So if the dashboard in your car shows a failure in the shocks then we are not able to repair it. We can only repair the shocks if the damping is poor, they leak oil, they knock etc.



Adrian Nagengast


Tel. 58 322 30 37 ; 58 302 56 33


ul. Malczewskiego 103

80-107 Gdańsk




Prețul este exact la jumătate, plus transportul. Nu prea merita. Daca era pe undeva la 30% mai mergea- părerea mea

Edited by irinel_g
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Am primit si eu un raspuns similar.



Pentru o pereche de amortizoare ar costa ~570 euro (250 euro fiecare amortizor, ~70 euro trnasport dus-intors); durata ~10 zile (3-4 zile transport dus, 2-3 zile reparatia, 3-4 zile transport intors).

Avand in vedere ca dau garantie 2 ani, cred ca e o varianta de luat in calcul (costa cam o treime versus perechea de amortizoare noi).

Edited by wolfenstein99
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