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Apple CARPLAY pe un F15 2017

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Salut baieti,


Am achizitonat saptamana trecuta un F15 model 2017.

Am pe el si optiunea:


ZD4 BMW ConnectedDrive Advanced


care include si:


609 Sistem de navigatie Professional

6AK Servicii BMW ConnectedDrive

6NS Conectivitate extinsa

6WB Display multifunctional



Aveti idee daca Apple Carplay ar trebui sa functioneze pe acest model?


Mersi mult de ajutor! O zi buna la toti!

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Ori la reprezentanta, ori colegii de pe forum : NEO ANDERSON sau SKW sau altii. Ei 2 imi vin in minte la prima strigare.


A reusit vreunul dintre voi de aici de pe forum sa-si activeze cu succes si sa fie functional Apple CarPlay?

Romania nefiind in lista de tari supportate nu poti inregistra masina pe ConnectedDrive Romania.


Am incercat pe www.bmw-connecteddrive.co.uk dar acolo nu le-a placut VIN-ul.


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  • 1 month later...

Dear Mr. ,



Thank you very much for your message and please excuse the delay in replying to you.


We were informed by our colleagues from Germany and Romania that you would like to use a German ConnectedDrive account to be able to use certain features that are not available in Romania.


Please be advised that in order to register your car at the German ConnectedDrive portal you need to have your permanent residence in Germany, as well as a car that is registered in Germany.


For further assistance we would like to invite you to visit your nearest dealer in Romania. They are certainly in the best position to assist you.



With best regards,


Verena Deschermeier






BMW Group

International Feedback Management (IFM Team)


Prospect and Customer Experience Management (UC-30)


Hanauer Str. 46

80992 MĂźnchen




Stimate ...,


Vã mulÞumim pentru interesul arãtat faÞã de BMW!


Ca urmare a solicitĂŁrii dumneavoastrĂŁ, dorim sĂŁ vĂŁ informĂŁm cĂŁ Apple Car Play nu este disponibil ĂŽn România, acest lucru fiind condiționat de suportul local al altor furnizori.


Nu avem informație ĂŽn acest moment despre disponibilitatea viitoare ĂŽn țara noastrĂŁ.


VĂŁ mulțumim pentru ĂŽnțelegere.



Cu deosebitĂŁ consideraĂžie,

Echipa BMW



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  • 2 months later...

Carplay e in primul rand restrictionat de Apple. Daca ai Apple ID setat pe Romania, nu e disponibil.




Masina ta nu e curioasa absolut deloc de Apple ID-ul tau :)


Restrictia vine strict de la BMW. Hardware masina are toate dotarile pentru a rula Apple CarPlay. Atat ca ele nu sunt "enabled by default" :(


Iar lista tarilor in care pot fi activate este restransa si conditionata de cumprarea serviciului.



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  • 2 weeks later...

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