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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Ignition Fault


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Buza ziua! Am un Bmw E60 2.0i din 2005. Azi mi.a dat o eroare in bord si anume IGNITION FAULT si in descriere in scria "engine can possibly only be started with brake.pedal depressed".

Mentionez faptul ca pot sa pornesc masina insa dupa 15-20 secunde moare motorul.


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"Yes i did, the reason for it is a short cicuited oil level sensor which disables the injector relay and so the car may not start or if luck bad misfire occurs. Check the oil level and if it is correct just disconnect its pluch and the car will starts normally.


Am citat din ce a patit un american.

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  • 3 years later...

Buza ziua! Am un Bmw E60 2.0i din 2005. Azi mi.a dat o eroare in bord si anume IGNITION FAULT si in descriere in scria "engine can possibly only be started with brake.pedal depressed".

Mentionez faptul ca pot sa pornesc masina insa dupa 15-20 secunde moare motorul.




Stiu ca topicul este din 2017 dar poate iti aduci aminte cum ai rezolvat? Am exact acelasi mesaj de eroare pe ecran si masina nu mai porneste.

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