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NBT-EVO DB_Features.ini

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Am descarcat hartile pt NBT-EVO si am zis sa ma uit si prin folderele alea. In folderul 1\DBFEATURES_ECE_101164_3_211 se afla acest fisier care contine - se pare o gramada de optiuni, multe dintre ele setate prestabilit cu valoarea 0 ( option not available ).

Manipulare fisierului acela inainte de a scrie hartile poate aduce ceva spectaculos ? Unele optiuni pot fi inutile, dar poate altele isi gasesc utilitatea.




Mai jos continutul fisierului


LE: alterarea fisierului poate duce la o eventuala eroare de suma de control, etc ?




; Databasename: ${name}


; Version: ${customerversion}




; valid setting for each option

; option not available = 0

; option available and deactivated = 1

; option available and activated = 2


; -----------------------------------------------

; GeneralSettings(TAG 1)

; -----------------------------------------------

GuidedTours = 0

TollInformation = 0

IntelligentSpeller = 0


; -----------------------------------------------

; SpeedSettings(TAG 11)

; -----------------------------------------------

HighWay = 0

NormalRoad = 0

Troughway = 0


; -----------------------------------------------

; ADAS(TAG 21)

; -------------------------------

ADASData = 2

ADASSpeedLimits = 2


; -------------------------------

; Speech(TAG 31)

; -------------------------------

OutPutPhonems = 0

InPutPhonems = 0


; -------------------------------

; GuidingSettings(TAG 41)

; -------------------------------

AutoDisplayOfCityhighwayMap = 0

CornerWarning = 0

CrossingMagnification = 0

DangerPoint = 0

Intersection = 0

LaneGuidance = 0

MergerWarning = 0

OnelookGuide = 0


; -------------------------------

; GuidingSettings(TAG 42)

; -------------------------------

RailwayCrossing = 0

RoadSignBoard = 0

SafeDrivingPointWarning = 0

ETCGateGuidance = 0

VICSTravelTime = 0

JunctionViewGeneric = 0

JunctionViewBMP = 0

JunctionView3DObject = 0


; -------------------------------

; GuidingSettings(TAG 43)

; -------------------------------

AvoidVignetteroads = 2

AvoidFerries = 2

AvoidToollroads = 2

CarpoolRoads = 0

ExpressRoads = 0

GreenRoute = 2

ECOAlternatives = 2


; -------------------------------

; MapSettings(TAG 51)

; -------------------------------

CityHighwayMap = 0

FontSize = 0

3DAngle = 0

3DLandmarkTerrainModel = 2

3DBuildingObjekts = 2

3DCityModel = 2

SatellitePictures = 2

AirPictures = 0


; -------------------------------

; MapSettings(TAG 52)

; -------------------------------

AddressLocationName = 0

BMWIconOnMap = 0

DrivingTrace = 0

Institution = 0

InterchangeNameOnMap = 0

MemoMark = 0

NameOfCurrentPosition = 0

ParkingMarkOnRoad = 0


; -------------------------------

; MapSettings(TAG 53)

; -------------------------------

STDMapSymbol = 0

TrafficLightsOnMap = 2


; -------------------------------

; SearchSettings(TAG 61)

; -------------------------------

FerrySupport = 0

TimeregulatedSupport = 0

WinterClosureSupport = 0

SmartIC = 0

URS_JP = 0



; -------------------------------


; -------------------------------


MeccaIndicator = 0

FreeTextSearch = 2

Edited by oSerX
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