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Baterie cheie BMW F10 descarcare rapida

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Detin un BMW F10 525d (Confort Access) la care intampin urmatoarea problema: Bateriile ambelor telecomenzi nu tin mai mult de 4-5 zile. Am schimbat pana acum vreo 8 baterii, Varta.

Pe tester mi-a dat o singura eroare: S0398- Power management, battery condition faulty or worn out.

M-am gandit sa schimb bateria, dar nu am simtit ca da semne de oboseala.

Puteti sa-mi dati un sfat? V-ati confruntat careva cu o asemenea problema?

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Din pacate ambele telecomenzi trebuie schimbate.

Am gasit un Buletin de service referitor la aceasta problema. Il postez aici poate ajuta.




Keyless Entry ­ Radio Remote Control Is Inoperative SI B66 10 09 Distance Systems, Cruise Control, Remote Control

Technical Service Bulletin # 661009

Keyless Entry ­ Radio Remote Control Is Inoperative

SI B66 10 09

Distance Systems, Cruise Control, Remote Control

July 2011

Technical Service

This Service Information bulletin supersedes SI 66 10 09 dated January 2010.

[NEW] designates changes to this revision


Radio Remote Control is Inoperative


F01, F02 (7 Series)

F07 (5 Series Gran Turismo)

[NEW] F10 (5 Series)

Date: 1107012010 BMW 750Li (F02) V8­4.4L Turbo (N63)


Page 159

Vehicles produced from SOP to 09/01/2010


The radio remote control function is inoperative:

^ The vehicle cannot be unlocked or locked with the remote key.

^ The check control message "Replace Remote Control Battery" is displayed.

^ Fault Code "9308B0 ­ ID transmitter: Battery undervoltage" is stored.


This does not affect the Comfort Access functions.


The radio remote control key or the battery in the remote control key is defective.


Perform diagnosis using ISTA (Integrated Service Technical Application). Complete any test plans related to the radio remote control


When other causes (e.g., defective antenna amplifier or CAS) can be ruled out, replace either the remote control key or the battery of the

remote control key, as outlined below.


Damaged keys are not a warranty or program issue. Also, please confirm whether one or both of the radio remote control keys were

previously replaced.

A. Vehicles produced from SOP to August 31st, 2009:

^ Replace the remote control key (without slide­in key).


If the remote's slide­in (metal) key works properly in the vehicle's mechanical locks, swap the existing slide­in key into the new

replacement remote control(s).

B. Vehicles produced from September 1st, 2009 to September 2nd, 2010:

^ Replace the remote control key (without slide­in key).

[NEW] PARTS INFORMATION2010 BMW 750Li (F02) V8­4.4L Turbo (N63)

Edited by FlorinB
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sper sa nu ma insel - bateria de la cheia de E90 fara comfort access era de fapt un acumulator care se reincarca atunci cand cheia e bagata in locas; cele cu comfort access aveau baterie, eu le inlocuiam cam o data pe an (CR2032).


la F10 banuiesc ca toate au baterie (nu acumulator), din moment ce acea fanta in care bagi cheia nu mai exista.

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