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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

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Hello my friends, my name is Mihai. I'm from Romania and I own a BMW E90 from 2006. I'm using it from 6years now. One night this summer my dear 👿 devil lock the steering wheel and a had to tow it at home. Just getting it down my crazy car starts without any errors stored in ecu. After Christmas happened one more time but this time a had to let it rest for three days. One error was stored: A0BD output wake-up line for pt can. After three days it was possible to use it til the end of January. From then was practically impossible to start it. After reading this post, thank you for the good and precise instructions, I've fallow all the instructions, clean the lock and did a visual inspection of it. Everything was like new. Then I have read the post of sorin_nsk and indeed was the door handle. I have keyless entry. After disconnect the Handel the car started without problems. I've done some more testing inserting the cable in the handle/no start locking steering pictogram, disconnect the cable start like new. In conclusion thanks to all for helping me. Good luck to all!
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