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E46 330ci smg


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Masina 330ci cu smg!

Ieri am ramas in drum! OdatĂŁ s au aprins toți martorii in bord, motorul s a oprit si a sa a ramas! nu a mai permis pornire.

Platfforma chestii...nervi

La mecanic a constatat baterie lesinata și curent de incarcare 11v...

Am schimbat bateria si alternatorul. Masina merge dar cutia nu se mai comporta corespunzĂŁtor. Spre ex cand coboara in trepte nu mai asigura acea crestere in turatie (spritul) care sa faciliteze regimul corect de funcționare...

Stie cineva care i baiul? Inainte a mers ok... Dupa a aparut aceasta problema! E ceva legat de incarcare...curent...? Acum alternatorul incarca 13, 8 cu toti consumatorii full!


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vad ca e o problema relativ comuna la SMG ... nu cumva trebuie si codata noua baterie?




verifica: . It seems a voltage drop from the dying battery damaged the relay. My car was dropping out of 6th gear down to neutral and then it would not start. I replaced the battery and the salmon relay and it works perfect now.

e vorba de: the (orange/salmon colored) electonic relay located under the cover (drivers side, engine compartment).



sistemul asta SMG e plin de solenoizi si relee care comanda motorasul pompei hidraulica... probabil fluctuatiile de voltaj au dat peste cap vreun releu ceva, posibil chiar cel de mai sus.

sper sa nu fie chiar motorasul ca vad ca e destul de scump: https://www.ecstuning.com/b-genuine-bmw-parts/hydraulic-smg-pump-motor/23017841032/

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