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ISTA 4.10.20 Standalone / SDP 4.10.21 / ISTA-P Torrent

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In Torrent o sa aveti tot pachetul ISTA-D (diagnoza/programare), ISTA-P (programare) si bazele de date aferente.




Pentru a instala doar ISTA-D trebuie sa bifati din Torrent: ISTA-D , SQLiteDBs si Tools (Pentru cine are ICOM si vrea sa faca si programare cu ISTA-D poate sa bifeze si SDP care se dezarhiveaza si se copiaza in folderul PSdZ din ISTA-D)


Pentru a instala ISTA-P aveti ghidul in folderul Tools - FAQ-EN.pdf iar pentru ISTA-D trebuie doar sa urmati ghidul de mai jos.





1. Install .Net Framework 4.5.2 version and up, from Microsoft or Tools folder.

2. Install Java.

3. Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010/2013 Redistributable Package x86/x64 from Microsoft for your language in Windows.

*** for computer x86:

- vs90_piaredist

- vcredist_x86_2005

- vcredist_x86_2008

- vcredist_x86_2010

- vcredist_x86_2012

- vcredist_x86_2013

- vcredist_x86_2015


*** for computer x64:

- vs90_piaredist

- vcredist_x64_2005

- vcredist_x64_2008

- vcredist_x64_2010

- vcredist_x64_2012

- vcredist_x64_2013

- vcredist_x64_2015


If the system is x64, vcredist must install x86 and x64, otherwise not start Rheingold.

4. Install Ediabas 7.3

5. Unblock archive if necessary. It is important to not skip this step! Unblock file, uncheck Attributes - Read-only. Then unzip.

6. Unzip to any directory, for example: C:\Rheingold, D:\Rheingold, E:\Rheingold..., C:\Program Files\, C:\Program Files (x86) - this folder for 64bit computers. You can run from USB stick too.

7. Unzip and copy SQLiteDBs in Rheingold\SQLiteDBs\

8. Add additional languages if necessary in SQLiteDBs

9. Start RCleaner. Run as administrator.

10. Apply ISTA-D and SQLiteDBs Reg Fix bit for your system from the Tools folder.

11. Start Rheingold (...\Rheingold\TesterGUI\bin\Release\ISTAGUI.exe) Run as administrator.

12. Enter the license key from the license.txt, if ask.

13. Enter 1 in the field of ISIS, ignore the error.

ISTA-D 4.10.20.rar

Edited by OPaul
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Avand in vedere ca viteza este decenta , ce mai conteaza cati sunt la seed... Poza este de acu 5 minute de la un prieten.


Dar asa este natura omului , dupa e obișnuit cu totul free si pe tava , incep sa apara si figurile ...

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Hello, can anybody share sqlite in spanish?












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In Torrent o sa aveti tot pachetul ISTA-D (diagnoza/programare), ISTA-P (programare) si bazele de date aferente.




Pentru a instala doar ISTA-D trebuie sa bifati din Torrent: ISTA-D , SQLiteDBs si Tools (Pentru cine are ICOM si vrea sa faca si programare cu ISTA-D poate sa bifeze si SDP care se dezarhiveaza si se copiaza in folderul PSdZ din ISTA-D)


Pentru a instala ISTA-P aveti ghidul in folderul Tools - FAQ-EN.pdf iar pentru ISTA-D trebuie doar sa urmati ghidul de mai jos.





1. Install .Net Framework 4.5.2 version and up, from Microsoft or Tools folder.

2. Install Java.

3. Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010/2013 Redistributable Package x86/x64 from Microsoft for your language in Windows.

*** for computer x86:

- vs90_piaredist

- vcredist_x86_2005

- vcredist_x86_2008

- vcredist_x86_2010

- vcredist_x86_2012

- vcredist_x86_2013

- vcredist_x86_2015


*** for computer x64:

- vs90_piaredist

- vcredist_x64_2005

- vcredist_x64_2008

- vcredist_x64_2010

- vcredist_x64_2012

- vcredist_x64_2013

- vcredist_x64_2015


If the system is x64, vcredist must install x86 and x64, otherwise not start Rheingold.

4. Install Ediabas 7.3

5. Unblock archive if necessary. It is important to not skip this step! Unblock file, uncheck Attributes - Read-only. Then unzip.

6. Unzip to any directory, for example: C:\Rheingold, D:\Rheingold, E:\Rheingold..., C:\Program Files\, C:\Program Files (x86) - this folder for 64bit computers. You can run from USB stick too.

7. Unzip and copy SQLiteDBs in Rheingold\SQLiteDBs\

8. Add additional languages if necessary in SQLiteDBs

9. Start RCleaner. Run as administrator.

10. Apply ISTA-D and SQLiteDBs Reg Fix bit for your system from the Tools folder.

11. Start Rheingold (...\Rheingold\TesterGUI\bin\Release\ISTAGUI.exe) Run as administrator.

12. Enter the license key from the license.txt, if ask.

13. Enter 1 in the field of ISIS, ignore the error.


Eu am o problema. Dupa ce dau vehicle identification imi apare mesajul.

It will take a moment.

Dispare dupa 2 secunde si nu se intampla nimic.


Ai avut problema asta?

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  • 2 months later...

Salut, eu primesc erroare cu database connection error iar dupa ce dau ok merge perfect,mai putin la un e70 la care dupa ce dau sa sterg errorile imi zice sa opresc masina si sa scot cheia,si doar o optiune cu "cancel" iar errorile nu se sterg. Pe F30 functioneaza perfect! Multumesc


Erroare ista+ https://imgur.com/tJFrLLp

Edited by catabmw
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