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BMW 525dA Touring - 2002


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Dupa 10 ani de parteneriat, a venit momentul sa pun masina la vanzare, o uzez din ce in ce mai putin (am masina de servici) si nu mai am timp sa ma bucur cu adevarat de ea.


E39 525d Touring steptronic, an 2002/11, 255.000km reali, in posesia mea din 2008, cumparata la 192.000km.


Pe langa dotarile de fabrica, de-a lungul timpului masina a mai primit:


- M Packet


- Interior Comfort electric, inclazire in scaune


- Plafon interior negru


- Subwoofer activ Blaupunkt


- Finala ATU


Multe piese schimbate, majoritatea in ultimii 2-3 ani:


- Fata/spate: articulatii, amortizoare, discuri (placute schimbate saptamana trecuta), tampoane motor, furtune vacuum siliconice, baterie, pompa rezervor, ambele termostate, regulator debit, carbuni alternator, piesa cu tepi, electroventilator, racorduri flexibile evacuare, ulei cutie, eliminat clapete admisie, EGR off, reglaje faruri aluminiu...(poate ca am mai omis din ele)


Motorul trage exemplar, turbina in parametrii, zero joc in ax, injectoare cu valori optime, revizie completa acum 4000km.


Acte fara probleme, impozit platit pe tot anul.


Masina se vinde cu cele doua randuri de roti, Style 37 (E38) cu anvelope Barum 235/40R18 – 265/35R18, uzura 10% / Style 48 cu alvelope de iarna Vredestein, 4 chei (doua diamant+cheie valet+cheie service).



Pret: 4200 euro


Tel: 0722 724 054 - Silviu





0202 Steptronic


0210 Dynamic stability control




0220 Self-levelling suspension


0227 Sport suspension+lowered+ride-height


0249 Multifunction f steering wheel


0261 Side airbags for rear passengers


0266 BMW light alloy wheel, radial spoke 48


0320 Deleted, model lettering


0339 Shadow-Line


0386 Roof railing


0423 Floor mats, velours


0428 Warning triangle and first aid kit


0430 Interior/outside mirror with auto dip


0431 Interior mirror with automatic-dip


0470 Isofix-System


0473 Armrest front


0500 Headlight wipe/wash/Intensive cleaning


0508 Park Distance Control (PDC)


0520 Fog lights


0521 Rain sensor


0522 Xenon Light


0534 Automatic air conditioning


0536 Auxiliary heating


0548 Kilometer-calibrated speedometer


0555 On-board computer V with remote control


0609 Navigation system Professional


0612 BMW Assist


0630 Car phone with cordless receiver


0672 CD changer for 6 CDs


0694 Provisions for BMW 6 CD changer


0710 M leather steering wheel


0785 White direction indicator lights




0851 Language version German


0863 Retailer Directory Europe


0879 On-board vehicle literature German


0970 Business Package


0979 Value Package












Edited by S L Y
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