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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

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Mi-am luat un Carly pentru diagnoza. Nu stiu prea multe doar ca a costat destul de mult mufa iar aplicatia pe iOS costa cam 60euro pe an fiind un fel de abonament.


Mi-am scanat masina un 420xd 190ch 2016 iar erorile gasite sunt mai jos. Nu sunt in masura sa le interpretez deci as dori opina voastra. E de rau gagiilor?



Engine / Motor

Fault Code: 284E00

Fault Explanation:Lambda probe according Kat, Nernst

voltage signal: Interruption


Air conditioning / Klimaanlage

Fault Code: 8011F9

Fault Explanation:PTC module: reducing heat output for

Power Management


Integrated Chassis Management Quer/Längsdynamik

Fault Code: 480134

Fault Explanation:SBS function - direction unsure vx

greater than 2 m / s


ICAM - Rundumsicht + RĂźckfahrkamera als

Standalone System

Fault Code: 800BAA

Fault Explanation::Composite Output: open or not

connected / Error in composite output, not connnected


Central Gateway / zentrales Gateway

Fault Code: CD0487

Fault Explanation::Synchronization process failed, CC

was not in sync with the date of repeal of error Memory

Lock / FLEXRAY StartUpFailed


Anti-Blockier-und Stability Control 5 auto. E34 / 16

Fault Code: 801A55

Fault Explanation::Disconnection of loads due to

overtemperature / Car alarm: Alarm - details in the alarm



Advanced Telematic Module

Fault Code: 03178A

Fault Explanation::SIF: General Mobile network error


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