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Audio upgrade F25

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Hello all. I don't know if I can post in english, if not please delete the thread.


I m currently owner of an f25 car that I have to upgrade its sound. I have from my past car (e83) almost all the parts, 2 Audison amps, an MTX 12” bass in cabin and I m going to buy 2 Focals 100 power kps for the mids and twitters. I m looking for an audio specialist in Bucuresti to carry the job. I’ve been to one that wished to make this upgrade with dedicated solution but not something serious and he is not accepting to work with my parts. If you know anyone that is serious I would be really appreciated if you can share it here.

P.S. I perfectly understand romanian but I m not speaking very well, so you can reply in romanian if you like.



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Am reusit sa aplic profilele audio ale colegului twodoor facute pe pp86dsp si cu mici modificari la iesirile pt woofer, se aude mult mai bine, clar, tare fata de presetul default al lor de pe site.


Multumesc twodoor pt preseturi!!



Vezi ca ai scris in topicul gresit. Aici initiatorul cauta pe cineva in Bucuresti sa-i monteze sistemul audio .

Poate poti sa-l ajuti .

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@Stathis first you need a way to connect the car's wiring to an external amp or DSP.

A DSP is recommended because it allows you to manipulate the frequencies for each output. The Match UP7BMW is the best approach since it is a DSP with the BMW harness included, or you can go for a Match PP86DSP + BMW harness.

You can buy the harness from one of these sellers:




, but only if you have the HiFi soundsystem on your F25. If it's base audio, things are different and maybe someone else can help.


@Danyro cu placere :D

Edited by twodoor
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Thank you Twodoor. Sadly I have the base sound system.

I just came back from an audio instalator that working with ground zero speakers. He told me that he cannot do the change to install the focals I wish. However he has solution to avoid a sound procesor with a kind of adaptor. He will use my old audison amplifiers and the 12” sub I already have. The total amount with cables, harness etc., 2 speakers and his job will be something like 2000 lei.


In any case I m not sure that this solution will be what I m looking for given I never listen to ground zero speakers. If anyone knows something please share it.


Thanks for the help guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all. As I promised I m back with a small review on the f25 audio upgrade.


I made the installation this Tuesday at http://www.caraudioshop.ro/ on Ritmului street. I installed four sets of Ground Zero GZCS 100BMW-A which is a ready solution for BMW. We powered this with my old amplifier Audison spx4. We also installed my old MTX 12 inch thunder 4500 powered with my old Audison spx2 in bridged mode.


The guy he made cabling for each one of the speakers, even for those that are under seats which we would not use in any way. He used cables from Ground Zero and not something cheap. He secured the cables behind doors with sound mat and for the driving of the whole system he used a hi/lo convector with two outputs given my car had the base audio option from BMW.


Impressions. I let the speakers to play these days so to have a clear view of their potential. The twitters are tend to overreact over a certain point which is something that I was expecting given the low quality of the crossovers. Midrange are giving a nice image of vocals and horn sections but are creating a mess when both are playing the same time. Possibly the problem are from the crossover. In any case in this price range I was not expecting a hi-end result. So I can say that this is a honest proposal for the price/quality ratio. The sub is a “killer” after almost ten years that I first installed it.


The guys at car audio shop were polite and explained all the issues before we made the installation. We agreed on 3200 ron and even they put some more cables they didn t charge over. It took full 7 hours. I m sure I ll go again to change the crossovers and some minor issues.


Have a nice and safe weekend

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