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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Schimb baterie

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Am o mica nelamurire: am schimbat bateria masinii astazi fiindca incepuse sa dea semne de oboseala dupa 9 ani - cand statea mai mult in frig se oprea/reseta CIC-ul la pornire.


Am luat o Varta AGM 80Ah F21, ca si specificatii identica cu cea originala BMW 80Ah. Ideea este ca bateria originala arata in ISTA charge level ~52-55%, iar asta noua abia arata ~79%.


Am inregistrat cu ISTA noua baterie si am si mers aprox 1h cu masina, dar tot la nivelul ala ramane. E normal? nu trebuia sa fie mai inspre 100%, gen? S-a verificat incarcarea si era ok.

Bateria este fab. sapt 21/2018, deci nu era veche.

Edited by LYM
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Parca citisem pe undeva ca Ibs-ul are nevoie de 3 ore gen pana se adapteaza la noua baterie, asta dupa inregistrare binenteles. Oricum, nu cred ca bateriile noi vin incarcate 100%. Eu zic sa mai astepti cateva zile...



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Cred ca am gasit ... e din cauza BMW Brake Energy Regeneration


The battery is charged to only about 80% of its capacity as long as the engine is propelling the car, depending on ambient conditions. A reserve charge adequate for the consumption of power while the car is at a standstill and enabling the driver to start at any time is maintained under all circumstances.


Battery charge exceeding the 80% threshold is generated only in overrun and while the driver is applying the brakes. Since the number of charge cycles increases as a function of such battery management, BMW’s Intelligent Alternator Control uses modern AGM (absorbant glass mat) batteries able to handle greater loads than conventional lead acid batteries. An AGM battery holds the acid content in micro-glass-fibre mats between the individual layers of lead, thus retaining its ability to store energy also when charged and discharged frequently and in many ongoing cycles.

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