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F11 - 520d xDrive


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De curand sunt fericitul posesor al unui BMW F11 - 520d xDrive si vreau sa ii fac o scurta prezentare :)

Masina am luat-o din Belgia in luna octombrie 2018 si are in momentul de fata 141.000 km

Acestea sunt dotarile:



Vehicle information

Type Code 5J51

E Series F11 (MUE)

Series 5


Model 520D XDRIVE (EUR)

Steering LL

Doors 5

Engine N47T

Displacement 2.00

Power 135

Drive ALLR

Transmission AUT





Prod Date 2013-08-01


Vehicle options

S1CAA Selection of COP relevant vehicles

S1CBA CO2 package

S1CCA Auto start/stop function

S1CDA Brake Energy Regeneration

S205A Automatic transmission

S223A Electronic Damper Control (EDC)

S230A Extra package, EU-specific

S2K1A BMW LA wheel, V Spoke 236

S2PAA Wheel bolt retainer

S316A automatic trunk lid mechanism

S320A Deleted, model lettering

S322A Comfort access

S386A Roof railing

S3ACA Trailer coupling

S3AGA Reversing camera

S402A Electric panoramic roof

S418A Luggage compartment package

S423A Floor mats, velours

S430A Interior/outside mirror with auto dip

S431A Interior mirror with automatic-dip

S459A Seat adjuster, electric, with memory

S494A Seat heating driver/passenger

S4ATA Interior trim finishers black high-gloss


S4U2A Driving experience switch incl. ECO PRO

S4URA Ambient interior lighting

S502A Headlight cleaning system

S508A Park Distance Control (PDC)

S524A Adaptive Headlights

S534A Automatic air conditioning


S548A Kilometer-calibrated speedometer

S5A1A LED Fog lights

S5ACA High-beam assistant

S609A Navigation system Professional

S610A Head-up display

S676A HiFi speaker system

S698A Area-Code 2 for DVD

S6ACA Intelligent emergency SOS call

S6AEA Teleservices

S6NSA Convenience phone, expanded


S6WBA Multifunctional instrument display

S761A Individual sunshade glazing

S843A Power reduction

S854A Language version French

S881A On-board vehicle literature French


S8S3A Automatic locking when driving off

S8SMA Car ident. number visible from outside

S8TFA Active pedestrian protection


S8THA Road sign detection

S8V1A Label









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Cum ti se pare culoarea? Asa este si a mea. Mie unul mi se pare ciudatica, nici gri, nici negru.


Asa este, si se vede al naibii de bine murdaria, pe E91 avand argintiu puteam sa nu o spal o luna thumbsup.png


Ieri am facut un drum Deva - Brasov - Deva, cca 600 km si mi-a iesit un consum de 6,3l/100, cum vi se pare, este ok sau...?

Edited by Atomic
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Am o nelamurire, chiar doua....

Prima, in 12 noiembrie am fost la RAR si am facut cartea de identitate. Eu stiam, de pe actele de Belgia ca masina are 163 CP iar pe carte mi-au trecut 184 CP, care-i adevarul si cum verific cati CP are?

Si a 2-a, nu mi-au trecut in carte decat anvelopele de 225/55/17 deoarece au citit pe Certificatul de conformitate ca celelalte marimi afecteaza noxele, Nu ma deranjaza prea tare dar parca mergeau si pa 18'


n-ai sa mai vrei ever manuala :thumbsup:


Sunt convins thumbsup.png

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Pai poti face o resoftare profi (cauta pe forum pareri/discutii), si o poti duce lejer la 200+ cp + cuplu marit.


Eu nu vad optiunea legata de faruri, sunt xenon?


S-o stapanesti sanatos.


La LCI nu mai e optiune de Xenon, ele fiind echipament standard.

Va fi optional doar Adaptive, HighBeam Assistant sau Adaptive LED


Si cred ca la LCI au schimbat ceva pe la becuri/lupe/sticla, ca lumineaza net superior vs nonLCI, chiar si daca sunt fabricatie 2 luni distanta

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