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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Jante bmw e90


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  • 1 month later...

Salut! Are cineva idee daca merg puse jantele astea pe un bmw e90 320i 2007?


Au et cam mic, vad ca acolo specifica doar de M3. Am mai avut unele style 135 de seria 5 cu et 20 la fel 8j si simteam ca fuge mașina de pe sosea. Oare sa fie la fel si cu astea?!



E90/91/92/93 au ET34. Nu recomand sub 30.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ce legatura are et-ul cu bieletele antiruliu ?






If your wheel offset is overly positive, you run the very-real risk of having the wheel sit too far inside the wheel arches, causing the inner edge of your wheels and tyres to rub against your suspension components.


As if that wasn’t bad enough, this rubbing can cause serious damage to your wheels, tyres and suspension. It can also negatively affect your car’s handling, making it potentially dangerous to drive.


On the flip side, too much negative offset will push your wheels and tyres outside of your wheel arches. This won’t cause as much of a problem as too much positive offset, but it will make your vehicle look fairly silly and might require you to roll your arches, or fit arch extensions to cover the wheels.



succes !!!

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N-are nici o treaba et-ul cu ce zici tu acolo. Ai jantele strambe/neechilibrate, anvelope deformate, brate duse etc. Niciodata nu o sa-ti bata volanul din cauza et-ului...e o aberatie, crede-ma.

Nu ai inteles ce vreau sa spun. Din cauza et ului prea mic am spus ca e posibil sa mi fi stricat ceva la directie, in timp, pentru ca nu este et ul corespunzator. O sa ma duc la un mecanic sa vad de ce face volanul urat.

Edited by Adita1991
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If your wheel offset is overly positive, you run the very-real risk of having the wheel sit too far inside the wheel arches, causing the inner edge of your wheels and tyres to rub against your suspension components.


As if that wasn’t bad enough, this rubbing can cause serious damage to your wheels, tyres and suspension. It can also negatively affect your car’s handling, making it potentially dangerous to drive.


On the flip side, too much negative offset will push your wheels and tyres outside of your wheel arches. This won’t cause as much of a problem as too much positive offset, but it will make your vehicle look fairly silly and might require you to roll your arches, or fit arch extensions to cover the wheels.



succes !!!

Mulțumesc! Inseamna ca este de la altceva.

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